Ok, everyone. I can't make the planets right now, but I can give you an idea of how it's going to work.

The three main tools of this process are a deck of FATE cards and an ordinary d10. Using these tools, I will give every location an Environment (how habitable is the planet), a Tech Level (how developed is the planet), an Integrity (how firm is Imperial control?) and an Extra (what's special about this place?). These traits will be further focused by the little inspirational blurbs on the FATE cards. I will make 10 planets, each of them the main planet in its system, which will form the basis of the subsector. We might introduce additional planets, or add planets to existing systems as needed, later.

Based on what the cards and dice give it, we will begin to brainstorm Themes, Threats, Faces, and Locations for each planet. Themes represent chronic problems or the challenging facts about life in this place, Threats are relatively recent "acute" problems, Faces are interesting people who might live there, and Locations are interesting places, either physical (ie. a neighborhood in the hive, a ruin) or conceptual (a trade guild, a criminal syndicate).

After we're done with the planet creation process, you will look at what we've created and start to make characters. You might be inspired by a Location (to make someone from or related to that location) a Face (you might chose to play a Face, or someone connected to him/her), or even a Threat or Theme. Or anything else.

Then we'll work to connect your characters and begin deciding on their Aspects and traits...

While it's ok to start having ideas about what kind of character you'd like to play, don't get carried away! We have a lot to do before we're ready to make characters.