
Black Library's pool of authors is constantly growing. One of its rising stars is Josh Reynolds, best known for his Blood of Nagash series and The Returns of Nagash. Today I was able to sit down with him and see what goes into the process of bringing some of the Warhammer world's most infamous villains to life.

[URL="http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2014/12/interview-black-librarys-josh-reynolds.html#more"]Read more »[/URL][URL="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/BellOfLostSouls?a=kf7G55rfk8k:6mAxtbWQVAo:yIl2AUoC 8zA"][/URL] [URL="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/BellOfLostSouls?a=kf7G55rfk8k:6mAxtbWQVAo:qj6IDK7r ITs"][/URL]
