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    Default 40K End Times (Plastic Horus Heresy)

    What with the whole End Times hulabaloo over in Fantasy land, there's been an understandable amount of speculation about the future of 40K - namely, will it be happening in our own Grim, Dark Future? I've been fairly skeptical, personally; Fantasy's collapse mirrors its collapse in the marketplace, and I figured 40K was stable enough to not require these sorts of cheap tricks to keep the boat afloat.

    Well, maybe I was wrong.

    Over on Warseer, Darnok had dropped an interesting hint about something that's coming in May, and top-tier rumor-monger Harry [URL=""]elaborated a little further[/URL]. It's difficult to separate from the context, so here's the whole thread mashed together:

    Quote Originally Posted by Harry on Warseer
    Quote Originally Posted by Stegadeth on Warseer
    Quote Originally Posted by Ludaman on Warseer
    Quote Originally Posted by Æon on Warseer
    Quote Originally Posted by Darnok on Warseer
    My latest information has 9th for summer. May has something else coming.
    Are the rumors of a red date in May wrong, or is this thing coming in May a pretty big deal?
    Spez Marines!
    ultra grimdark Spez Marines with extra skullz
    You are laughing now. This will cause a ***** storm of similar proportions on the 40K boards to the one we have been enjoying on the fantasy side.
    So. Something big is coming in May. Something, presumably, galaxy-shattering.

    Discuss, I say!

    Via Tzen at Bolter&Chainsword 2-16-2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Tzen at B&C
    Please take this information with a huge wad of salt. I was really tempted not to post this at all, because a lot of the time rumours are just so wrong its laughable.

    I was sent this information over several e-mails and this is the best I can do to put the releases into some chronological order. It could be very wrong.

    Here's some bits of info:

    - There's mark 9 power armored marines on the way.

    - Sister of battle are shortly after summer, just after WFB 9th ed.

    - Horus Heresy is about to become very big, with Games Workshop building on the success of Forge Worlds game. This includes new plastic kits for Warhammer 30,000.

    Current release schedule to my knowledge looks some thing like this:

    Archaon End times - Bloodthirster and Khorne Chaos Warrior kits.

    Khorne Chaos space marine supplement.

    Adeptus Mechanicus.

    30K box set during the "red week" in May - This is a period of time staff members cannot take time off from the shops.

    Some follow up releases to support the new rules set for 30k.

    Then WFB 9th rules.

    Horus Heresy releases

    Mark 9 Power armoured marines.

    WFB Releases for the Empire and Chaos - This includes the starter kit for WFB 9th ed.

    Sister of Battle (Actually a codex: Ecclesiarchy, but not called that).

    This is by my own admission just guess work based on what I have been e-mailed. I don't know if the order is correct or not. Or even if it is complete crap. I just thought it would be nice to share. This is an experiment, I don't normally post anything without visible proof.
    via [URL=""]Harry and others[/URL] at Warseer 2-16-2015

    The implication is we're going to see a GW-produced plastic Horus Heresy starter box/boxed game.

    Originally Posted by my_name_is_tudor
    More Horus Heresy stuff? How dull. They've already done that.
    Originally Posted by 75hastings69
    Oh no they haven't
    Originally Posted by 75hastings69
    Think outside the box a little.......... or maybe inside the box
    Originally Posted by BasetheRuin
    As in think inside the brand new 30k starter box?

    I'll have to start saving money then!
    Originally Posted by 75hastings69
    Hastings later suggested it might broaden over time to include more than just marines vs. marines.

    Originally Posted by my_name_is_tudor
    Personally I don't think there's any version of a 30K game that could get me particularly excited, given my assumption that it would focus on the good marines/bad marines bust up and not all the other interesting stuff the Galaxy has to offer...
    Originally Posted by 75hastings69
    well maybe not initially
    [URL=""]79Hasting69 says[/URL]:

    Yes indeed, but let's take it a bit further. Let's imagine creating a standalone game, which is only available for say 6 months, BUT then we'll make the models from it available as individual box sets for something we are definitely going to support, something that might take up empty shelf space in stores. Lets ALSO then imagine we then release another standalone game, again limited to so many months, then we make the models from that set available for another range we support...

    ...both are something new, the first historical (so that's why I was linking it with the old), the second current (i.e. 40k) again new, but based on something existing AND something old. I'm sorry if that's made it worse!!!

    The scale is the same, no epic scale, no inquisitor scale.

    Right guys there are several separate rumours that folks are getting mixed up. So I'll at least split it up a little for you. THIS IS NOT RELEASE ORDER, just to help separate the rumours. IT ALSO ISN'T A FULL LIST OF THIS YEARS 40K RELEASES, in fact some of these may be early next year. NONE OF THESE ARE WFB BASED.

    Admech Codex & models (full release)
    **** Codex & models (Harelquin sized release already mentioned on thread)
    **** Codex & models (Harelquin sized release already mentioned on thread)
    HH Standalone box game, on sale for a few months, then models become part of 30k range.
    Assassins Standalone box game, on sale for a few months, then models become part of the 40k range.

    I haven't heard anything about mark 9 armour so don't associate it with any of the above.

    I mean Harlequin sized as in number of kits, i.e. a few characters, a troops kit, a larger kit and a transport. Or thereabouts One kind of has a main codex, kind of, and it's been mentioned on this very thread. The other has also been mentioned on another thread, the one that got moved for not having any news or rumours in.... even though it actually contained quite a bit. In fact I suppose you might say the 2nd has a main codex too (kind of)

    I think there's a misunderstanding here. BOTH new standalone games will have their model contents released. The first being HH, will see models released as part of the 30k range. The 2nd boxed game models will be released as part of 40k range, part that is currently only available in finecast and not deathwatch before anyone says it again.

    I have heard that there might be a plastic GD, plastic daemons, and plastic CSM kit for a certain god at some point later this year (and no it's not Khorne!)
    [URL=""]Harry says:[/URL]

    I never mentioned May
    I never mentioned "Nerd rage"
    I was only talking about the new space marines.
    I said it was going to cause a "**** storm" ....
    I simply meant it was 'big news' and it was going to cause a lot of ... 'excitement' on the 40K boards.
    I did not intend to cause any panic.

    It would seem duffybear heard a rumour about new space marines. He naturally assumed these were what came next .... mark 9
    However it did not occur to him that what his rumour was about was what came before .....

    I think these rumours ARE part of the same thing.

    I think Duffy's rumours are about the new space marines for THIS .... for 30K
    So that would make it not mark 9 but something like Mark 3 / Mark 4 ? armour. (Or whatever armour it was 30K ...someone will have to help me out with that)

    The armour is a simpler, earlier version of the power armour we all know and love.
    It looks a bit like something Tony Stark might have knocked up in the desert.
    Some further context on plastic 30K:

    via [URL=""]WhispererofTruth[/URL] 2-17-2015
    The starter set will be joined by a plastic heresy armour set and some plastic Skitarri over the course of the next year. The idea of these boxes is allow players to create armies that can be played in both 30k and 40k and as such expand both markets.

    Both Admech and the Legions produced by FW proved to be popular beyond all expectations. So popular infact that GW can justify pumping out kits for a game that isn't even one of their core games. It's also being done as a safety nets, in case 9th ed Fantasy (Which 30k now outsells) crashes and burns, then they have 30k in place to pick up the pieces.

    The Old armour kit will be a mix of armour types rather than a kit of say Mk4 armour. All parts will be of course compatible with the current Space Marine range. I do believe a plastic servitor is being done too.
    and the rebuttal... via [URL=""]Hastings[/URL] 2-17-2015
    This is partially true. The "starter set" is in fact a standalone game, however I'll accept starter set as it does lead onto the main 30k game. I think it's safe to assume that 30k could/will have a different game mechanic to 40k, or it would be pretty pointless as a standalone game. Hence the reason that some boxes will contain rules for both 30 & 40k (if the rules weren't different they'd only include 1 set of rules.

    It's not however a safety net for WFB, it's a replacement for lotr/hobbit on the shelves as AFAIK all of this is going direct only. WFB is going to have plenty of store presence, and regardless of what many (and indeed I) think I don't think the reboot will be bad for WFB, especially if in it's current format is failing to sell. Hell at one point it was almost totally canned. You never know new WFB might just be awesome (not finecast awesome either), however my own feelings are that the background is what makes WFB, dick with this then it isn't WFB any more, and frankly that just isn't for me. I'm going a little O/T here posting about WFB on 40k (or should that be 30k??) boards but I feel it's as good a time as any. I think what's done WFB no good is the high entry cost and investment of time & money to get a decent army, making a game that's playable as a skirmish game AND a massed battle game does make financial sense, start small, minimal initial outlay, get people interested/hooked, build and buy a bigger army, SADLY this is where GW fall down, THIS IS WHAT THEY USED TO DO YEARS AGO, with games like Heroquest, Warhammer Quest, Blood Bowl etc. get people into the Warhammer world and setting and races of that fantasy world. They lost sight of this and thought that the product was self sustaining, it isn't, there is much more competition now for peoples hard earned cash than ever before, there are many companies that do similar and in some cases better stuff than GW and people know it, because other companies use the internet etc. to their advantage, GW see it as the enemy, and they are wrong. I guarantee this thread has generated more excitement in a few short hours than crap like warhammer visions ever will, and it won't cost them hardly anything. People including me are now thinking, maybe I'll get some nids really for genestealer cults coming along, or I'll pick up an extra deathstorm box for all the nids, or whatever, that GW is SALES. Hiding away ignoring your fan base is beyond ridiculous, especially in such a niche market. The fact that Whispereroftruth said "Admech..... proved popular beyond all expectations" shows just how little they know/listen to their fanbase, as this has been one of THE most wishlisted armies for so many years it is ridiculous. Anyway enough rambling.

    I honestly don't think the new WFB will crash and burn. I think it WILL bring in new blood, and after the initial nerd rage some people may actually find that all is not lost, as my good friend Harry says "BRING IT ON!!!!!"
    via Steve the Warboss 2-17-2015

    Horus Heresy Plastics Info

    -The Box is a Standalone / Starter Box hybrid Gaming Set (like the last two)
    -The Box works alone but can be used as a foundation for Crusade Era Armies.
    -More sets will come to give HH player a foundation in Plastic
    -Legio Mk4 Power Squad box
    -Maybe the release of a Termi and a Dread box with neutral designs to combine it with the FW legio specific packs and dreads
    -Possible a Rhino I upgrade sprue within a own set
    -GW will release only a foundation of HH kits!
    -Sells of FW products in the GW-Shop coming soon
    via [URL=""]Lords of War[/URL] 2-16-2014
    Regarding scheduling of Horus Heresy Plastics

    Plastic HH marks of armor in May? You're way off!

    I didn't say it wasn't happening. It will not be in May.
    Also, and unrelated...
    Sisters of Battle are not coming out this year.
    via Steve the Warboss 2-25-2015

    -Gaming Set Includes a Suppliment for the Age of Darkness
    -Rules and a Dettachment for Playing Legio Astartes and Xenos in the Past of 40k
    -A new Allied Matrix including Xenos of the 31st Millenium
    -Very generic Dataslates for the Models, only the featured Characters will have specific Background, but can used for any Legion
    -Unlike the previous Sets, the Squads will have no unique Leaders, only names "Sergeant"
    -Box will include 6 versions of new Sprues
    via one of gary's [URL=""]birds[/URL] 4-8-2015

    confirmed that HH was coming to regular GW stores.

    A starter box set for 2 players with 'generic', non-Legion specific Heresy-era units is coming in May. Wasn't specific on plans beyond that, apart from that FW will take care of Legion-specific upgrade packs, unique units and any other stuff that GW doesn't want to run in plastic.

    Apparently the demand for HH stuff has been so intense GW is centralizing the range.
    Didn't mention anything about FW in stores though

    via Voices in the Trees 3-8-2015

    Horus Heresy Starter Set

    2 sides, Identically Equipped

    Models are NOT legion marked.

    Generic Heresy-era models.

    – Early Heresy mark armor Astartes x20

    – Cataphractii Terminators x5

    – Contemptor Dreadnought x1

    – Praetor x1

    via Steve the Warboss 4-9-2015

    Horus Heresy Starter Set
    -2 Generic Legio Astartes Armies
    -20x Tactical Marines (2 Sprues)
    -5x Cataphractii Terminators (1 Spure)
    -1x Contemptor Dreadnought (1 Sprue)
    -2x Legio Centurions (both with options for Consul options, 2 identical Sprues)
    -Transfer Sheet with Symbols of 3 Loyal and 3 Traitor Legions
    -Suppliment includes a summary of the great crusade with important events and timeline
    -Description of the Legions from the Decal Sheet with small history of them
    via Bird in the Trees 4-10-2015

    Plastic Heresy Standalone Kits (Age of Darkness) Details

    Marine Squad Kit: 10 marines, Mk II-IV variants, bits for sergeant, communications, and banner bearer. Bolters or bolt pistol/chainsword for all. Combi weapon bits for sergeant. Pistols for sergeant include Grav, plasma, flame, and volkite. Power sword or fist for sergeant. Marine bits are compatible with current 40k bits. £35

    Cataphractii Terminator Squad Kit: 5 Models. Bits for sergeant including grenade harness, power sword, combi weapon bits, volkite weapon. Marine bits include combibolters, chainfists, power fists, heavy Flamer, auto cannon, plasma blaster, lightning claws, and thunder hammer. (no storm shields) shoulders are 2 part to accept FW legion shoulders. £40

    Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought Kit: Heavy heavy bolter, 2 fists with weapon variants (Bolter, plasma, flame, Melta) (no claw fingers), las cannon, and multimelta. Arms are universal, and compatible with FW upgrade bits. Includes legion decal sheet. £40

    Deimos Pattern Rhino (or Predator) Kit: Includes dozer blade, Smoke launchers, HK, TL Bolter, heavy Bolter, havok launcher, flamer. Will be compatible with FW upgrade kits for predator, whirlwind, razorback. £30
    RELIABILITY: This set of rumor is rated: POSSIBLE, coming from a mixture of known and unknown sources. Caveat Emptor

    Just in from [URL=""]Atia[/URL] on Bolter & Chainsword 4-15-2015

    Coming Very Soon - Horus Heresy Product:

    "Horus Heresy - Age of Darkness"
    Attachment 13670
    via "Mikhael" 7-15-2015

    Horus Heresy plastic boxed set is coming and is scheduled for November 2015
    via [URL=""]Waaagh Studios on Facebook[/URL] 7-26-2015

    Horus Heresy Plastic Sprues
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Regarding plastic Horus Heresy:

    via [URL=""]75Hastings69[/URL] 7-27-2015

    Regarding Boxed Set:
    It's not REALLY a starter set, it's a standalone game, from which the models will be available from at a later date. The execution force assassin models weren't snap fit either.
    Regarding Horus Heresy & 40K rules in the future:

    ...I'll share what I have heard, but this dates back a while as I pay very little interest to GW now.

    I heard that 30k HH would be a boxed standalone game (like execution force was) and that the plastics contained within it would go on to form part of a larger 30k range and would be released some time later as individual box sets/clampacks, I was told that rules would be in those boxes, but that some boxes would contain rules for 30k AND 40k (and these boxes have BOTH logos on - yes there is a new 30k logo) so I assume it will be using a different ruleset to 40k (as there would be no point having rules for both systems in boxes if they were both the same). I was also told the plastic assassins would get clampack releases later and be released as part of the main 40k range..... as the box set is pretty much still quite widely available I don't expect this to be soon, although I never had a timeframe in the first case.

    As for your AoS style rule reboot question - I remember being told to expect 40k codexes (codices?) to be a thing of the past within 2 years, and that the rules would be in the box for each model/unit, but there would still be a core ruleset which the in box rules would obviously add to. I've not bought any AoS releases (nor do I intend to) so I don't know if they have rules in the boxes (seems daft as when rules got FAQ'd (lol) or changed they'd need to repack ALL the boxes - seems even dafter that anything would actually bother with rules for AoS!!) or just online? I am going to leap to the conclusion that 40k probably WILL become more simplified like AoS, mainly because GW no longer see themselves as rules/games writers but just model sellers. How much more simplified I wouldn't hazard a guess at. Whatever they decide to do you can bet it's in the pipeline already, because myself and Harry were privately discussing the changes to WFB almost 3 years ago - I was told it was being canned and whilst we thought that was not the case and that AoS would be a continuation or refresh of it WFB HAS actually been canned and REPLACED by AoS, so these things are planned well ahead.

    FW make huge sales from HH, there was no way that GW weren't going to want in on the action! I expect FW to still produce the big kits/characters/customising kits but GW will provide the bulk of the models needed to play 30k. We can only hope that GW let FW handle the 30k rules/books and they just make the models for it. But keep in mind I was told that when the 30k RANGE hits the stores (not the standalone box game but the actual range) it will take over the store space that used to be taken up by LotR/Hobbit, so GW may want to keep tight hold of the reigns even though they are no longer committed to producing games?

    ...Having thought about this I think the unit/model rules for 30k & 40k will be online/WD rather than actually inside the box kits (I may have misinterpreted what my source said).

    Also I should point out that as I understand it 40k and 30k will be very different games/rulesets, so it may be that 40k becomes like AoS and 30k is handled by FW (although this is just wishful thinking on the behalf of hobbyists the world over!).

    Of course I may be completely wrong...... because that happens a lot
    Horus Heresy Boxed Game Summary

    The Game is real, and is already into production.

    Ship date is listed as Q4, November, to hit right at the height of the holiday shopping season.

    Like "Execution Force" the initial boxed set is a fully standalone game, with no further purchases necessary.

    Sprues shown so far confirm posable Mk. IV Maximus armor, marines (in sets of 10 per pair of sprues).

    Sprues shown so far confirm 2 command figures with a Power Armor and Cataphractii Terminator models.

    This boxed Game will serve as the introductory product to an entire Horus Heresy product line that will become GW's new "3rd Line", alongside Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000.

    An entire line of plastic kits is coming, that will appear on normal store shelves with Horus Heresy line badging (and 40k as well in some cases)

    Ruleswise, the Horus Heresy will be a "40K light" ruleset sitting at the middleground between 40k and Age of Sigmar

    Horus Heresy plastic kits will contain both 30K and 40K rules in the box.
    Today's Horus Heresy Boxed Set Rumors

    via Warseer's [URL=""]Apologist[/URL] 8-20-2015

    "Can't remember where it was in the old thread (or possibly another forum), but I believe it's been rumoured that the box is themed around Phall, with Imperial Fists versus Iron Warriors.
    I'll see if I can dig out a link to where I saw that.
    It is noted that the forces are asymmetrical; themed around a boarding party and defenders."
    Then Apologist links over to ...

    Via DakkaDakka's [URL=""]Whisper of Truth[/URL]

    ... Also the contents rumours are slightly wrong. The forces aren't an exact mirror of one another. One force is a Pride of the Legion style force. Some might even call it a boarding party... The other is based off normal Tac. Marines.

    As for the ship name, I don't think the game is based on this particular ship, but I'd go with the "Tribune." Or one of the other warships in that warzone anyway.

    I'mageek writes:

    "Imperial Fists, if it is set at Phall."

    WhisperofTruth responds:
    "Ding ding, we have a winner.

    If I remember rightly the box has around 44 models. Including 3 Mk4 boxes, terminators, cataphracti and the two characters."
    So to Summarize:

    Horus Heresy Starter Box

    - Imperial Fists vs Iron Warriors

    - Battle of Phall

    - Asymetrical sides

    - "Boarding style" theme - (Battle of Phall was a major fleet action in deep space)

    - 44 models

    3 Mk IV "boxes" (sprues already seen)



    Two Characters (sprues already seen)

    via [URL=" m_campaign=Feed%3A+Faeit212+%28Faeit+212%29&utm_co ntent=FeedBurner"]Faeit [/URL]8-21-2015
    Plastic Horus Heresy Boxed Game Details

    - Game similar to Space Hulk
    - Released Around October
    - Possibly Limited Run
    via anonymous sources 8-26-2015

    Horus Heresy: Battle for Ultramar

    Miniatures Contents:

    44 miniatures

    Artificier Armor Centurion
    Mk IV Maximus Marine Squad (x10)
    Mk IV Maximus Marine Squad (x10)
    Mk IV Maximus Marine Squad (x10)

    Cataphractii Terminator Praetor
    Cataphractii Terminator Squad (x5)
    Cataphractii Terminator Squad (x5)

    Contemptor Dreadnought
    Unknown model (conflicting reports say a "counter to Contemptor", or simply a 2nd Contemptor)

    Decal sheet for multiple legions, split evenly between Loyalist and Traitor Legions
    Rumors come from known rumormonger and are rated: likely

    via an anonymous Faeit[URL=""] source[/URL] 8-30-2015

    Horus Heresy Plastic Boxed Game

    Game Title: "Betrayal at Calth"
    Type: Boardgame - hex based board
    Dice: D6s w/ custom symbols
    via Warseer's [URL=""]Wintermute[/URL]

    It is Ultramarines vs Word Bearers.

    According to my sources: the rules are not 8th Ed and they haven't been Sigmared simplified. The major difference is that the 'read this first' sections and the reference cards have simple to follow tables. For example the BS rule instead of being the traditional 'BS3 =4+' style in fact has the BS as '4+'. All other rules are as per 7th edition which will also be in the box.

    I can tell you there are no points values in the box its intended to be a stand alone game but it will teach the basics of 7th Ed.

    (Editor's note - Regarding price of the game): I was hoping you wouldn't ask me that. What would you pay?

    The HH Box will (hopefully) be available to buy at the 40k Open Day in October.
    via Warseer's [URL=""]grissom2006 [/URL]9-18-2015

    Regarding the Plastic Horus Heresy Boxed Set:

    Well according to my sources within GW the price tag floating around in here of it being £95 is wrong and it's going to be a three figure price tag. Not going to say the amount as it would be all to easily sourced back to my source. As for those after a release date start thinking about the end of October (expected preorders) start of November time (actual release).

    ...I'll expand slightly on the thinking behind why the pricing is likely to be in the realms of what i keep on hearing. The current think is that GW is looking at three gaming systems AOS being the first stage entry level gaming quick to pick up and play and complete with free rules. 40K more complex game to play and greater cost due to codices add ons etc.. Horus Hersey being the top end of the gaming spectrum and aimed at veterans/experienced gamers supposedly complete with even more complex rules.

    Ohh and just to add into the mix there may not be just one set release but TWO!!

    ...I can see how one can think Marine on Marine will be simpler. But the formations the weapons the specialist rules that each chapter had could be become a lot more engaging and much bigger than that of the chapter tactics we currently have. We are talking about an era in which the Primarchs were in command not a set of chapter masters that we currently have. A marine is a remarkable creation but that could never achieve what the Primarchs could. There are units that operated weapons and other things all lost with the Hersey. The game is set while all that stuff is very much still there for use and hasn't become the stuff of legends and myths. So there is plenty of scope for it to be more complex even if the basic starting block isn't that gets supplied in the box which is meant to be PACKED to the GILLS.
    Putting it all together:

    via Warseer's [URL=""]Grissim2006[/URL] over the last couple of months

    "I've actually heard they are going with a plastic Contemptor kit and heard it off multiple sources who've never once in 15+ yrs steered me wrong.

    The think with starter box sets the plastics for the core games in them are never designed in line with how the rest of the plastic ranges go. They are designed to be simpler in the putting together because they are design as a hobby starter kit as such they make it as easy as possible to get a person up and running with the core basics supplied in the box. With HH they know at the end of the day they do not need not to this marketing ploy the other whelming majority of sales are going to be coming from experienced hobbiests.

    Well according to my sources within GW the price tag floating around in here of it being £95 is wrong and it's going to be a three figure price tag.

    I'll expand slightly on the thinking behind why the pricing is likely to be in the realms of what i keep on hearing. The current think is that GW is looking at three gaming systems AOS being the first stage entry level gaming quick to pick up and play and complete with free rules. 40K more complex game to play and greater cost due to codices add ons etc.. Horus Hersey being the top end of the gaming spectrum and aimed at veterans/experienced gamers supposedly complete with even more complex rules.

    Ohh and just to add into the mix there may not be just one set release but TWO!!

    I can see how one can think Marine on Marine will be simpler. But the formations the weapons the specialist rules that each chapter had could be become a lot more engaging and much bigger than that of the chapter tactics we currently have. We are talking about an era in which the Primarchs were in command not a set of chapter masters that we currently have. A marine is a remarkable creation but that could never achieve what the Primarchs could. There are units that operated weapons and other things all lost with the Hersey. The game is set while all that stuff is very much still there for use and hasn't become the stuff of legends and myths. So there is plenty of scope for it to be more complex even if the basic starting block isn't that gets supplied in the box which is meant to be PACKED to the GILLS.

    Right guys you need to keep yourselves at the ready for dates the 7th and 14th of November

    As to the what you can expect i already hinted on that pages back that it wasn't planned at being a single box release or a stand alone release."
    via Games Workshop 10-26-2015

    via [URL=""]Squiggly[/URL] (DISQUS) 2-25-2016

    "HH range should kick off in the spring. April-May time. As you already know the Calth stuff will kickstart the range, with boxes labelled for 30k and 40k.
    The plastic Mechanicum stuff was intended to work over as part of the core Heresy too.

    So I suspect the Mechanicum stuff will get a repack alongside the Heresy releases, when they're released this spring. as the Mechanicum range. Rather than Cult Mech. and Skitarri. The Calth kits aren't exactly a "range" on there own."


    "Basically the calth stuff will be released in boxes labelled for 30k and 40k. The HH range is a big thing, and a handful of kits is not a "big thing"

    I know the Mechanicum models were intended to be Heresy models too. So I suspect they too will get repacked as 30k/40k models when the range is launched. Or soon after.

    Yes the 40k Mechanicum stuff is all labelled all same, but it is split into two factions. They were intended to be one 40k faction and one 30k faction.

    I hope that makes more sense."
    via a very reliable source who spoke to BoLS on condition of anonymity: 3-7-2016

    We have been hearing for several weeks now of the Sequel to Betrayal at Calth. One long, long term rumormonger with a fantastic record chimed in with these tidbits:
    • The sequel to Betrayal at Calth is real.
    • It is scheduled for SEPTEMBER 2016.
    • The kit itself is being manufactured as a stand alone game by GW proper, as the previous boxed games have been, but the exact sprue contents being Heresy relates are pretty much dictated by Forge World. This ensures they will fit in nice and neatly with existing and future planned Forge World Horus Heresy kits.
    • Games Workshop is very much committed to continuing to push and expand the Horus Heresy line into a bigger part of the business - one that is reported as ALREADY outselling Age of Sigmar!
    • The new kit will feature plastic sprues with Mark III armor.
    Last edited by Bigred; 03-07-2016 at 12:13 AM.

  2. #2


    Set up seems to be the same - the codecies all lining up to the eve of the 13th Black Crusade.

    Plus, 40k like Warhammer aren't so much ongoing plotlines, but backgrounds for us to tell our own stories in.

    Warhammer in particular has included long deceased special characters for donkeys years. Examples are most of the Orc special characters. End Times aren't so much advancing the timeline, that would involved 'they're all deid, and ye cannae use them', but adding to the setting.

    No reason 40k can't do the same.
    Fed up for Scalpers?

  3. #3
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    Jul 2009
    Austin, Tx


    Quote Originally Posted by Lexington View Post
    What with the whole End Times hulabaloo over in Fantasy land, there's been an understandable amount of speculation about the future of 40K - namely, will it be happening in our own Grim, Dark Future? I've been fairly skeptical, personally; Fantasy's collapse mirrors its collapse in the marketplace, and I figured 40K was stable enough to not require these sorts of cheap tricks to keep the boat afloat.

    Well, maybe I was wrong.

    Over on Warseer, Darnok had dropped an interesting hint about something that's coming in May, and top-tier rumor-monger Harry [URL=""]elaborated a little further[/URL]. It's difficult to separate from the context, so here's the whole thread mashed together:

    So. Something big is coming in May. Something, presumably, galaxy-shattering.

    Discuss, I say!
    8th Edition! :P
    BOLScon 40k Judge

  4. #4


    Could be interesting, hope they do it slightly differently than WFB though, at a slightly less break-neck pace.

    Maybe an evolution of the current two faction box sets?

    Book (or two), box set of a pair of factions, new units for each faction

    Each book advances the story a bit for each army, has overarching interconnections between them, leading up to a great big finale as all the various schemes and ploys come to a head and rolls in the new edition

  5. #5
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    Jul 2009
    San Diego, California


    Having been to several FLGS's around the world (literally, Florida, California, and Japan) I can say that I think doing a 40k End Times would be silly from a business standpoint.

    Whole shelves at these FLGS's are stocked with unmoving Thanquol and Nagash books and models. That's Inventory that isn't being sold, isn't generating as much revenue. Maybe I just have been to places that don't play as much Fantasy, but all of these giant Skaven and Chaos and Undead kits are really expensive, on top of the expensive books that keep coming out... It seems excessive.

    From a business's perspective, that's not too encouraging, and I wouldn't want to extend the same treatment to 40k if those books and models don't move.

  6. #6
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    Apr 2010
    Portland, ME


    ...They're finally going to release a Wraithknight conversion kit from FW.

    Its going to drive people batty because its not the endless train of crappy Horus Heresy garbage that FW has been producing.

    Thats just what I think :P
    I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it. --Voltaire

  7. #7
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    Undertaking private security operations somewhere in the Human Sphere


    **** them,

    there's no need for end times in 40k just so GW can write your units out of existence.

    Go work within the 10,000 years of history between the HH and 13th black crusade, you know, like they HAVE been with the campaigns.

    Come on GW use your brains, wheres the reign of blood, the age of apostasy and everything else that have been magor events in 40ks history first before you try and **** your IP to death
    Morbid Angels:
    I probably come across as a bit of an ***, don't worry I just cannot abide stupid.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Defenestratus View Post
    ...They're finally going to release a Wraithknight conversion kit from FW.

    Its going to drive people batty because its not the endless train of crappy Horus Heresy garbage that FW has been producing.

    Thats just what I think :P
    That "Horus Heresy garbage" is the only good thing in WH40K right now. So your thoughts on the matter are clearly foolish and irrelevant. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Cannibal Sector 1


    Quote Originally Posted by Lexington View Post
    What with the whole End Times hulabaloo over in Fantasy land, there's been an understandable amount of speculation about the future of 40K - namely, will it be happening in our own Grim, Dark Future? I've been fairly skeptical, personally; Fantasy's collapse mirrors its collapse in the marketplace, and I figured 40K was stable enough to not require these sorts of cheap tricks to keep the boat afloat.

    Well, maybe I was wrong.

    Over on Warseer, Darnok had dropped an interesting hint about something that's coming in May, and top-tier rumor-monger Harry [URL=""]elaborated a little further[/URL]. It's difficult to separate from the context, so here's the whole thread mashed together:

    So. Something big is coming in May. Something, presumably, galaxy-shattering.

    Discuss, I say!
    Well, we can't say they didn't warn us,

    ++ Death serves the Emperor. ++
    744.M41 - Present
    As 744.M41 dawns, Taggarth, the Seer of Corrinto, proclaims the approach of the End Times. He prophesies a time of unprecedented upheaval, in which even the light of the Emperor is swallowed in darkness. Though Taggarth is swiftly executed for heresy, his message of doom echoes across the galaxy. These are the last days of the Imperium, but whether glorious apotheosis or eternal damnation awaits, none can say..."

    ...and it would explain why the Dark Eldar appeared to take the shaft over Lords of War.

    End Times: Vect anyone?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Caldera02 View Post
    8th Edition! :P
    An 8th edition of 40k would by the logical stepping stone to WARHAMMER 9th Edition, melding Fantasy Battles and 40,000 into one glorious (w)hole.

    But it would only last a month or two.


    Rushing or dragging?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by terminus View Post
    That "Horus Heresy garbage" is the only good thing in WH40K right now. So your thoughts on the matter are clearly foolish and irrelevant. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.
    Burn the witch!
    "Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one around here who gives a **** about the rules? Mark it zero!"

  10. #10


    No no no no no!

    Its fashionable now to skip an edition!!

    So, next up is Warhammer 40k 9th edition! I called it! I think nothing else could possibly stir up the Nerd Rage in us more......


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