So its my birthday in a few weeks and I''m in a bit of a dilemma. I shall definitely be getting myself some new miniatures and supplies for my 40k Tyranid army, however after recently buying the Archaon: Everchosen novel I'm hooked on the Warhammer fantasy world, which is a first time for myself. After watching all the new End Times releases and painting videos from GW over the last few months, my interest in 40k has dwindled and I've been looking into getting started with a Warhammer army. My dilemma comes from the current status with Warhammer, being that its in between 8th and 9th edition :/ and after reading the end of the End Times here on BoLS, i was just wondering is this the right time to start my collection or should i hold off until the summer, when 9th edition is rumored to be out? I love most of the armies in Warhammer (except for dark elves) and i think choosing an army would be loads of fun because there is so much diversity in the range. However, my worry is will my race still be playable in 9th edition or will i end out with a mass of outdated and unplayable miniatures? I would really love some advice on the matter, thanks.