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    Default Sooo.........what now for me?


    Made this account simply to post this opinion, as I had to get it off my chest!

    I know it's hardly new that (some) people are upset that the Warhammer setting has been irrevocably destroyed. But I thought I'd just put my spin on it.

    Firstly, I just wanted to say that I've never picked up a pair of dice in my life, I've never played 40k and I've never played Fantasy. I don't even own a miniature. However, I've purchased almost every single book (including codices) that GW have produced since the early 90's.

    That might seem alien to you, but I bet I'm not alone. My reading habits have been to jump from one setting to the other over the last couple of decades- when I'm bored with 8 foot tall post-humans, I relished a return to stories of (relatively) normal people drinking in taverns before picking up a halberd and hacking enemies to death.

    Yes, both settings are inherently silly, and yes both settings are (were?) based on tabletop wargames, but to me they're more than that. They're a gestalt collection of ramblings in an extremely rich world. That it's also British nonsense helped as well!

    The fact that it was a fairly static universe was a GOOD thing to me, I like stories where not everyone is saving the world and not every action has far-reaching consequences.

    Let's get it straight, GW are never going to sustain a business just by selling books. The books are, essentially, long form adverts for the game and I'm probably the worst kind of customer for them.

    But, jesus, I feel so short-changed having followed this narrative for over 20 years to find the setting "switched off" in the space of three or four seemingly hastily written super-hero novels.

    I can't shake off the feeling that I've totally wasted my time in investing (in terms of enthusiasm and time) myself into this particular universe.

    Anyone agree?
    Last edited by Grentix; 04-22-2015 at 03:37 PM.

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