:O Someone who agrees? yay!

Anyway, that's pretty much the argument I was trying to make, but didn't have the time/ wordage to make :P

As for OldPaladin's POV, where they are all the same kind of weapon, I still have to argue. Even though they are all the same, they're all different instances of the same type of gun. Hell, for a real world argument, I know fine well I'd be a lot more likely to dive for cover if there were 2 or 3 snipers, instead of just 1.

By referencing the weapon when talking about causing a pinning test, it says to me that you apply the rules for pinning for each time the rule is referenced in a summary. Unfortunately, every argument I'm thinking of revolves around describing similarities in Object Oriented programming, and in general programming skills, and I'm not describing all of that as well, unless you really want me to, of course :P