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  1. #1

    Default Super-Elite mechanized marines

    I've just recently lost my mind and decided I need to build a *new* marine force after playing extremely fragile ones for some time.
    The problems underlying this are:
    1. I'm in love with the rhino chassis for some reason. Razorbacks, Predators, and Whirlwinds
    2. I'm looking to do this as a super-elite force - Command squads and Honor Guard abound so I can do groovy customs and not have to get huge storage containers like my guard have.
    3. No terminators. See problem 1.

    This in mind, I'm looking to knock out 1750 points and need suggestions on how to build this list
    I'm thinking Cantor, a Honor guard, 2 sternguard squads in razorbacks, and 2 tactical squads the same way - probably Lascannon/twin plasma turrets.

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

  2. #2


    1. I'm in love with the rhino chassis for some reason. Razorbacks, Predators, and Whirlwinds
    Razorbacks and Predators really aren't worth it these days. Whirlwinds are cheap and fantastic against hordes and low-Leadership armies (like Tau and IG, because they cause enough casualties to break them). I'd take one Whirlwind in Heavy, to park in the corner of your DZ and bomb the enemy.
    2. I'm looking to do this as a super-elite force - Command squads and Honor Guard abound so I can do groovy customs and not have to get huge storage containers like my guard have.
    I'm not a big fan of either. Honour Guard are beaten by both storm-hammer Terminators or Grey Knight Terminators in effectiveness, but they would still suit your 'elite' theme.
    Command squads can be fun, generally on Bikers with power weapons/powerfists and meltaguns (so they can deal with things that your Tactical/Sternguard struggle against). Again, Terminators kinda leave them in the dust, because there are plenty of things that can get past your 3+ armour and deny FNP in the same go.

    3. No terminators. See problem 1.
    It's kinda hard to not take Terminators, they're just too good for what they do. If you don't wanna take an LRC to get them from A to B, just Deepstrike them. Stormhammer Terminators landing behind enemy lines make people have fits, and they draw a huge amount of attention of your other units.

    I'm thinking Cantor, a Honor guard, 2 sternguard squads in razorbacks, and 2 tactical squads the same way - probably Lascannon/twin plasma turrets.
    Sounds like a good plan. I'd drop the Razorbacks down to Rhinos, so you can take large Sternguard squads (I know they're expensive, but you need big squads so 2-3 deaths don't make them useless). I don't like Razorbacks, even with heavy bolters you pay too much for a bit of extra firepower, and it's still an AV11 coffin.

    If you want a really elite force, you could take some Grey Knights as Troops to ride with Kantor. They have stormbolters just like he does, and his 'Inspiring Presence' buff makes them very dangerous in close-combat (especially the Justicar). You gain a scoring unit, plus they're dangerous to most non-2+ save infantry (because WS5 and S6 is nasty). Add 1-2 incinerators to taste, and they're set.
    Sternguard should be as large as possible, 8-man at least. Equipment-wise, a powerfist on the Sarge is mandatory, and I'd throw in 2-3 combi-meltas so they can handle tanks/walkers that come their way. Otherwise, their uber-bolters should be sufficient for anything short of Terminators.
    Tacticals should be melta+plasma cannon. Melta so they can pop tanks, plasma cannon so they can camp objectives in the Rhino and fire out of the top hatch like it's a bunker. When the Rhino dies, they get free 4+ cover to hide in.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Bedfordshire, UK


    You could always use the csm codex and do a force of plague marines in rhinos to represent the vets. Then you would be in elite mech marine heaven .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Frisco, TX


    Razors and Predators are great, cheap firepower on a mobile platform is never unwelcome.

    A mech marine army can work, even without Termies. You won't have any real beater units (Honor Guard suck terribly) but you make up for it in flexibility and firepower.

    I'd avoid Kantor though, since mech marines want to be shooty and use combat tactics to avoid combat.

    Sternguard in Rhinos/Razors, Tacs in Rhinos/Razors, Land Speeders with MM/HF to bring some pain, along with Predators and Vindicators for some heavier armor and real oomph. For your HQ, a Master with Command Squad is about the best HtH threat you've got, or a MotF sitting back with camo scouts on an objective works too, or a Librarian to hang with the Sternguard.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Bothell WA


    So you want a rhino rush force that incorporates strong HTH models, predators, and whirlwinds huh? I think you should take a look at the free Blood Angels codex available on the GW website. You have access to Assault Squads as Troops, Death Company, Bhaal Predators, and overcharged engines. The type of army you are looking to create is right up this ally. I watch a Blood Angels player in the area, Gary, win Best General at the Conquest NW GT back in January.

  6. #6


    Just run vanguard vets in rinos/razorbacks with TH/SS or whatever you want. They already have a base 2 attack, so its like running around with terminators that arent in terminator armour... pretty much what you wanted.

  7. #7


    preds can be good when run stock/HB sponson and SB.

    I would go:

    2 libs
    2 squads of sternguard, x10 w Combi Melta

    3 preds
    3 speeders w MM/HF

    the rest of the points in tac squads, thats prob 2x10 w rhino

    The libs can teleport the sternguard around and the rest are specialist hunters.

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