Initiate Mithrak looked across the dimly lit chamber, his eyes straining to see his brothers forms strapping themselves into their seats. Commander Lokk sat beside him, his over sized hammer and electrified shield wedged tight against his leg.

The sudden pop of his ears told him that the dropship had entered the planets atmosphere. The sound of a screaming siren alerted him of the crushing weight of planetary atmosphere pressing upon his dropship.

With a bonbecrushing thud the dropship made contact with the planets surface. Gasses erupted as the sides of the dropship peeled away.

Raising his chainsword, a dark form took shape. An Ork with body armor and two of his vile kind stepped forth to present themselves. Briefly the thrust ignited from his jump pack. The foul Ork slumped against his mighty swing. Over his shoulder he heard his commander offer last momentary guidance.

Damn officers. Always offering advice, but last to the fight.

Such as it always has been. We alone bear the brunt of the Combat while others wear the glory.

IC are not part of the new formations

Let the men handle the real problem and let the officers tell their story.

As it has always been, as it is forever to be.