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  1. #1


    Taken from full post here: [URL=""][/URL]

    Part 2 of Dwarf Quest, wherein Samwise Gamgee meets a hero(?) from the Silmarillion

    Here is the 2nd part of Dwarf Quest, wherein our heroes are looking to acquire magical relics to combat the coming of Morgoth.

    The wizard Heironymous and his companions appear in a bright flash and find themselves teleported to a misty swamp.
    The wizard puts the Tele-Port-Key back into his pocket.

    The White Dwarf: Hmm... what is this huge skull marker doing here? Dont worry little Hobbit, I will protect you.

    Samwise Gamgee: (to the Wizard Hieronymous) That Tele-Port-Key only has 1 charge left?

    Hieronymous: Yes.

    Samwise Gamgee: And you are the only one who can power it?

    Hieronymous: Yes.

    Samwise Gamgee: So... if you die, we are all stranded here?

    Hieronymous: Yes.

    Samwise Gamgee: (to the White Dwarf) Protect the wizard...


    For the rest of the post: [URL=""][/URL]
    Last edited by mars-minis; 01-23-2018 at 05:11 PM.

  2. #2


    Taken from full post here: [URL=""][/URL]

    Full Mithril Jacket & Hobbit Bunker Pub


    Oldhammering in Middle Earth has returned from the realm of Nagash.
    Had some health troubles that prevented painting and gaming.
    But my prayers to Sigmar have been answered and we are back in business!

    We got some new pre-slotta Dwarves, some terrain, and some nice fluff.
    There is one more Dwarf Quest that needs to be posted, but we will hold off on it just for now.

    Instead, we take you now to our story, in Dimrill Dale, a nice fertile valley outside of Moria's eastern entrance...

    New recruits have come to join the cause for freedom and beer-dom.

    Its a rag-tag line of Dwarves who have come far and wide across the lands to help Moria in its hour of greatest need.
    But have they come too late?

    They are vintage pre-slotta Citadel Dwarves.
    Some of them are coded from the old "Fantasy Tribes" line.
    But some are collected and coded into the line known as: C06 Dwarf Fighters /Dwarf Adventurers (solid base)

    As they enter Dimrill Dale they see a strange sight... a Hobbit hill home.
    What in Durin's beard is going on here?
    Wasnt this supposed to be a Dwarven colony?
    This looks more like an idyllic halfling vacation resort!

    They see a Dwarven Engineer scolding some rascally looking Hobbits.

    Burlock Damminson: Hobbits! You were tasked to build a bunker. That looks nothing like a fortification!

    Pippin: Yeah... but its cozy and there's crumpets and tea inside...

    Burlock Damminson: Crumpets are not a military feature!

    Merry: They can eradicate hunger though!

    Burlock Damminson: But will it repel an Uruk-Hai assault?!

    Pippin: It might... did I tell you about the beer celler? There is an ice cold tap that Nindalf magically enchanted to be at near perfect temperature for a nice tall Bugmans draught.

    Burlock Damminson: (wipes his sweaty brow, looks up at the high noon sun, licks his lips) Hmm... no. But I am willing to inspect it... for military soundness, of course. Lead on, lil' Hobbits.


    For the rest of the post: [URL=""][/URL]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Altadena CA


    All these minis have so much character! It's so much fun to see what you paint up next. While I truly appreciate all the fancy stuff they do with sculpts currently, I've always felt that old miniatures have just as much to offer with their approach and artistry. I also love how Sam Gamgee kind of looks like Picasso's portrait of Gertrude Stein (am I the only one seeing that?).
    Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may truly judge what is sane.

  4. #4



    Thanks buddy!
    And yes, I do regard Oldhammer sculpts as art.
    Modern minis may be sculpted better technically... but they lack the quirky character of ye Olde Hammer of the 80s.
    And I will never unsee Gertrude Gamgee... thanks?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Taken from: [URL=""][/URL]

    Citadel AD&D Umber Hulk And Oldhammer Evil Princess

    This post we got some old school 80's Citadel minis.
    An Umber Hulk from Citadel's AD&D line.
    And a pre-slotta Fantasy Adventurers - Evil Princess.

    Because this blog loves Citadel Codes, here are the mandatory Citadel Codes:
    ADD77 Umber Hulk & FAC23 Mounted Evil Princess

    On this blog's LOTR campaign this figure is now known as Karla, Night Elf Princess of Lodoss.

    Princess Karla is the last survivor of Lodoss - an ancient Drow Kingdom of Sorcery.
    Many millennia ago, the Kingdom of Lodoss was facing annihilation because of the Great Wars between Chaos, Dwarves, Humans, and Elves.
    The Seers of Lodoss saw the destruction coming for all civilizations and a long period of darkness.
    Princess Karla was placed in stasis-sleep in the hope that one day she would wake in a better world.
    Her pet Umber Hulk named Skitters was also chosen to accompany her.
    Skitters was content to dream for ages next to his beloved master.
    And so the ancient world fell, and darkness reigned for ages.
    More time passed, and Lodoss became a myth and Karla's chamber was buried deep and forgotten by time.
    Numerous empires rose to glory and fell to obscurity, and still mistress and pet slept on.
    Until just recently, thousands of years later, the Night Elf Patrol have found the ancient stasis chamber of Karla and awoken her from her long slumber.
    The Night Elf Patrol realized that the ancient myths of Lodoss were indeed true and have embraced Karla as royalty.
    Karla has reciprocated and declared that the Night Elf Patrol would be her personal entourage and royal bodyguard.
    Would the Dark Elves of today accept her ancient claim to rule?

    Umber Hulks are subterranean creatures and are excellent at digging tunnels.
    They have 4 eyes and can create Confusion among its foes.
    In Warhammer terms, I made these stats and special rules for the Umber Hulk...

    Movement: 6
    Weapon Skill: 3
    Ballistic Skill: 1
    Strength: 6
    Toughness: 5
    Wounds: 3
    Initiative: 1
    Attacks: 4
    Leadership: 8

    Special Rules:
    1) Confusion: All enemies in melee with Umber Hulk suffer a -1 To Hit modifier in Close Combat

    2) Tunnel: Umber Hulk may Deep Strike instead of deploying normally at start of game.

    3) Umber Hulk Causes Fear.


    So there's the latest post and I am glad to finally include these minis in the campaign.
    Lets see how well Queen Morathi receives news of this ancient Drow Princess being awoken.
    Will they get along... or will it be a Dark Elf Cat Fight!

    Also at the top of this blog's banner, in the left pic, to the right of George the Giant you will see Princess Karla.
    I consider those black and white illustrations and their respective minis as icons of Oldhammer.
    Many more of those figures will be showing up in the next few posts.
    Such as the Night Elf Patrol mentioned in the above fluff.
    In fact, we have a trio of Citadel "White Boxes" coming up.
    Keep on Oldhammering!

    Next Post: Citadel White Box SS3 - Night Elf Patrol


  5. #5


    Taken from full post here: [URL=""][/URL]

    Night Elf Patrol, Citadel White Box SS3

    We got 3 Citadel White Boxes in the next couple of posts.
    This first one has Night Elves.

    Here is the Citadel White Box known as Night Elf Patrol SS3 - Speciality Set 3.

    Group shot of the Drow

    Priestess Lillith Child-Impaler & Vard Demonslayer, Night Elf Champion

    Skitters and Commanderess Zelosa

    Commanderess Zelosa: Whoa, Garthim! Back off! What did I tell you about getting too close to me! Your Confusion Aura affects both friend and foe!

    Skitters: (coos for affection)

    Commanderess Zelosa: Ahh... poor beastie. To be so unsettling to others, even to your loved ones... I suppose we must bear your vertigo nature (scritches the Umber Hulks neck) Your creators - the Skeksis were immune to your bewildering aura. I wonder if any of those demonic vulture creatures still exist in Middle Earth? I hear they were masters of the Chaotic magicks of Tzeentch.

    Skitters: (makes strange clicking sounds)


    Who would have guessed that Skeksis were Tzeentchian, or that Umber Hulks were Garthim?
    What really happened in Lodoss long ago?
    Did the Gelflings rise up and overthrow the Skeksis, taking their magic and their servants - the Garthim?
    But most important of all... what happened to Aughra's Observatory... that wondrous mechanical astronomical machine?
    Guess I better get myself that Age Of Sigmar - Numinous Occulum afterall... sigh.


    For the rest of the post: [URL=""][/URL]

  6. #6


    Taken from full post here: [URL=""][/URL]

    Citadel White Box - Dwarf King's Court

    Circus in town? No, its the Dwarf King's Court!


    Another Dwarf King and his entourage arrive on the blog.

    I believe that takes us to 10 Dwarf Kings about to be fed to the Balrog!

    This time its the box set known as Dwarf King's Court - Speciality Set 2.

    Group shot of the stunties

    King Dumin Ironbeard & Queen Asabelle Dragonsmiter

    I wonder if the Queen secretly wears the pants in this marriage.
    Her smirk can definitely smite a dragon.

    Corbit Shortstuff, Gnome Jester & Cyril the Bear, the Royal Mascot

    I love the Jester, and the bear is like "huh? what? me?"


    For the rest of the post: [URL=""][/URL]

  7. #7


    80s Citadel Saruman & Goblin Raiding Party White Box

    Taken from full post here: [URL=""][/URL]

    This time we got Citadel White Box SS4 - Goblin Raiding Party

    and Saruman with his personal bodyguard of Citadel 80s LOTR Half-Orcs.

    The White Wizard approaches.

    "Do not let him speak. He will put a spell on us!"

    Citadel White Box SS4 - Goblin Raiding Party

    Warlord Ubar Earbiter, Goblin Chieftain & Urag Legeater

    Shaman Pogo Wildchant & Gigblad Childsplatter

    His Half Orc bodyguards always keep a watchful "eye" (of Sauron?!).
    OK, how about they are always close on "hand" (of Saruman... much better!)


    For the rest of the post: [URL=""][/URL]

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