For the first time in my life I found I was slightly interested in Warmachine and Hordes... not because I am abandoning GW, but because FamilyofGamers777 is giving some sets away (and I'm probably going to win). I learned that Warmahordes does not allow for their models to be modified, and there are no options to really customize your guys. Malifaux also does not allow their models to be modified. What benefit does a gaming systems gain from standard model-sculpts?

Question the first:

Does it level the hyper competitive playing field? Does it make drawing line of sight more fair?

Question the second:

Do you think that 40k's openness with customized models creates more profits for GW? More headaches for gamers?

I've always believed that when GW releases a model and everyone agrees that it looks god-awful, deep down everyone at GW knows it too. But GW folks also know that people are going to buy, cut it up, buy some other models, cut them up, glue it all together and make a model that looks ten times better. Customizing models fulfills those of us that want each model to be a 'special little snowflake' but it also slows down that process of finishing an army. If I could finish my army quickly, then I'd start another one. Perhaps the infinite possibilities of customizing restricts GW ability to make profits.

Perhaps the new strategy with AoS is:
1)Restrict Customization