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    Post 1st Edition vs. 3rd Edition

    This thread is meant to compare 1st and 3rd edition rules.

    In my opinion, 1st Edition rules are much more strategic than the unbalanced 3rd Edition rules.

    Such as, the 3rd ed. rule allowing the Marines to pick CP's again. In my opinion, sometimes the Marines have to tough it out on one's not what you have, but what you do with it that counts!

    Also, allowing sustained fire on O'watch. In the 1st ed. overwatch is a reactionary shot covering a wide area that doesn't permit concentrated aiming. Since in the 3rd ed. they castrated the sustained fire bonus to begin with (only 5's vs. 3's in 1st ed.), I see that they tried to 'balance' it by allowing sustained in O'watch, but it's a poor trade off for the strategic and realistic rules that 1st ed. had.

    It is much more logical that the Emperor's finest warriors could train their aim down to better than a 1 out of 3 chance of hitting a target after aiming at it for several shots.

    'Guard' stance is one of two worthwhile rules in 3rd. edition. This was taken from the Harlequin rules in Citadel Journal #2 (only it was changed from a +1 Close Assault bonus for models with hand weapoons, to a re-roll for any model).

    Also, maintaining Overwatch after clearing a jam is the other good rule revision. Having to use 3 CP's and wait 3 'Stealer actions to regain O'watch meant you could nearly never do it (had to take CP shots from thereafter).

    The psychics in 3rd ed. are much less intricate than in Genestealer expansion, but the psychic rules can be confusing, especially without the White Dwarf #'s 142 and 144 (however, you all have the benefit of both of them through the 'Rules Authority' thread in the forum)

    Does anybody else have any comparisons?
    Last edited by Commander Dante; 03-18-2010 at 08:12 PM. Reason: rewrite

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