I'm trying to put together an assaulty Space Marine force for casual play - I've always tended to hew to the shooty side before now.

I've been eyeing up putting together a Skyhammer Annihilation Force together with a Flesh Tearers Blood Rain Strike Force, but I'm at a bit of a loss with how much kit to parcel out amongst the fighty troops. I'll have:

1XDeath Company Squad
1XVanguard Veteran Squad
3XAssault Squad

that I'll need to equip. Should I keep 'em dirt-cheap? They could potentially be getting re-rolls to hit and wound from the "Suppressing Fusillade" rule on the Skyhammer Annihilation Force, while the Blood Rain Strike Force assault squad will get Furious Charge to boost their killiness. On the other hand, I'd like them to be able to engage all kinds of enemies - including big ones - if at all possible.

Any Space Marine vets with some advice on how much stuff to give 'em? It's tempting to go nuts and start handing out hand flamers like candy, for instance, but I often tend to put too much gear on my troops and then forget to use it.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.