So we are well into playing our new game. Most gamers seem to have accepted the new gaming system...some haven't , and most mourn the passing of the warhammer world .

But where do games workshop go next with this new creation ?
It seems hugely unlikely that any of the old armies will start to get a rework. The empire and Bretonnia have gone and all the best human fighters have been turned into immortals so seems unlikely my human armies will be relevant anymore !
Skaven could get a look in as those pesky rats seem impossible to irradiate , but all we have seen so far are rebox efforts.
Elves and dwarfs...real dark areas if you ask me. Oh yes, and the lizards are all dead and are now ghosts...not overly inspiring.

So maybe the undead will be up next, rebadged as the hordes of nagash ?
Or will nurgle get the khorne treatment.
What do you guys and girls think ?