Quote Originally Posted by Path Walker View Post
The point is, a few people might complain about balance, you've seen here that someone is saying Dark Eldar are useless because you can't use them like Space Marines, but most players want their armies to be different and play in interesting ways.
No, the point is that you claimed GW does better when 40K is less balanced, and I pointed out that GW's current sales slump dovetails nicely with a widely-recognized crash in 40K's game balance. You can blame GW's problems on whatever you like, but the fact is that 40K's definitely less popular than it was when it was better balanced.

Quote Originally Posted by Path Walker View Post
I know there is no point trying to explain is, you've proven time and time again that unless it's echoing the idea you've held for years that GW are going out of business because they're not doing things the way you like them, you won't let pesky things like facts or evidence get in the way.
Bull, I've never said any such thing. GW's a publicly-owned company with valuable IP to be had, they're not going to just shut their doors like some mom-n-pop dime store. Companies like GW don't just up and die, they just shrink, get sold and watch their IP devalue to the point of irrelevance. That's where GW's heading right now, long-term.