Hey guys! Been cruising through my new Tau Empire codex and the recently released Kauyon campaign book as well. Wowzers is there a lot of cool things. Not only did the Space Marines get some really nice goodies (White Scars and Raven Guard -- you guys are having a good day), but the Tau got some excellent additions as well. And of those additions it is in the Fortification section that the Tau got some of the niftiest things: the TIDEWALL.

You can't see it, but there's a Ghostkeel hiding behind that.

Now, the Tidewall is cool (the first time we've seen mobile fortifications) and it's ability to fling back wounds and glances (Necrons, eat your heart out), but it is not -- in my humble opinion -- the best fortification. Nope. That laurel rests upon the dangerous and rather ridiculous head of the Tidewall Gunfort.

For just a little more than the cost of two Hammerhead Gunships, you can take /three/ Gunrings (no attached tidewalls). They have to operate within 6" of each other for deployment and for movement -- AND they have a unique ability called "Coordinated Strike."


This allows one model, on one Gunring, to fire ALL three twin-linked heavy rail guns at the model's Ballistic Skill, and perhaps most important --> all shots gain the Armourbane special rule. Now, all three shots have to be aimed at the same target -- but three S10, AP1 + Armourbane shots benefiting from Marketlights and BS5 means you're not going to have any problems massacring anything you're hitting.

Wait. Did I say BS5? Why, yes I did! I did strange echo in my room...

That's right. For the low cost of a Cadre Fireblade, you have the perfect independent character to sit back and bring unholy hell against any and all vehicles your enemies can bring to the fore. Not only can he sit back comfortably behind the fortification, but he can still fire the Gunfort weapons *even* if you decide to attach a unit to him -- thanks to his Split Fire special rule.

As such, yeah, this is pretty much the only Tau Fortification you'll ever need. You don't even need the actual Tidewalls -- unless you want, and then you can take them separately and have the Gunfort hide behind (1") from the Tidewall and still benefit from that cover.

[*cues diabolical fish laughter*]