Well, OK.

Far from a master. But what I lack in skill and experience I totes make up for in sheer enthusiasm - so much enthusiasm I don't know where I want to go.

I kicked off an Undead force way back when Sigmar's Blood came out. Plan then was to assemble an Undead force in-line with the campaign book. But that didn't happen. Boring old real life stuck it's oar in what with work and needing to eat and that.

But now? Now I'm back in the graveyard, baby! Picked up the Malignants 'Getting Started' box yesterday, and a Mortarch (because it's nice to have a General).

So currently my force stands at.... 20 Ghouls, 20 Skellingtons, 10 Dire Wolves, a Corpse Cart, a Mortis Engine, 3 Spirit Hosts (gorgeous models, pain to build), 5 Hexwraiths. Oh, and Arkhan The Black.

I'm not one for comp systems (I'm enjoying the freedom of 'yeah, take whatevs) but I'm thinking it won't take a great deal more to round it all off, and already I have a reasonable selection of unit types.

Barring Arkhan, I'm still on course to complete my force to the original plan - that of following Sigmar's Blood

But has anyone dabbled in the dark arts in the Age of Sigmar? Got any pointers that are easily overlooked?