Becouse I always find these threads fun to start. And before anyone posts the link. Yes, I know there is an alternate heresy thread on B&C. But that doesnt mean we cant have one here.

I came up with a list of the different legions for a possible switch. I didnt do the common thing and switch all of them, just some of them.


World Eaters (This is a weird one, but I always thought that the world eaters could have stayed loyal if the
Emperor had actually helped Angron out.)
Thousand Sons (Magus doesnt piss off the Emperor, manages to work things out)
Emperors Children (Fulgrim doesnt bother with the Laer Temple. Whoever takes it does end up turning traitor though. Perhaps the EC end up as a split legion)
Blood Angels (I cant see them turning, ever)
Alpha Legion (Tells the Cabal to Bugger off pretty much, I like the Alpha Legion to much, they would be great to have around)
Imperial Fists (Dorn is a prick, but a loyal prick)
Death Guard (Typhus Falls down a flight of stairs, or something.)
Raven Guard (They always seemed loyal to me)
Iron hands (Meh, again, see above)

Ultramarines-(They get delusions of grandeur, and jealousy. Pride commeth before the fall?)
Space Wolfs (Someone needs to go SLAANESHI. Yeah, its weird, but think about it, Viking lifestyle has alot of excess in it. It could work really well.)
Dark Angels (L'Johnson sees writing on the wall, and goes Chaos. Swears Allegience to Tzeentch)
White Scars (Khornate=Mongols)
Word Bearers (They started it, still will)
Iron Warriors (Angry, hate Rogal Dorn, Chaos has better options)
Night Lords ( Goes Nurgle, odd, but they do strike silently from the shadows, and are hard to eradicate)
Sons of Horus (Largely unchanged)
Salamanders (Not really sure on this one, but Im figuring something bad happens to Nocturne. In a bizzare parady of the cannon, it would be interesting to have the Salamanders be a Legion that abhors life.....)