I'm going to be coordinating the open gaming, so please come down and play even if you don't have time to commit to a longer tournament track!

Here are FOUR awesome reasons to join us in the Open Gaming area:

Reason the First: We're going to be giving PRIZES out to open gamers. These will be like door prizes, but only available to participants in open games. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, just that you play!

-- How awesome is that??

Reason the Second: I'm going to have a couple of tables setup with armies deployed, so you don't even need to bring an army!

-- Play with gorgeous armies and you don't even have to pack them up!

Reason the Third: A sneak peak at Captain Invictus and the defenders of Ultramar!

-- Expect to see rules for this classic Ultramarine hero!

Reason the Fourth: Get a game in with me!

-- Okay, well maybe that's not a selling point!

See you at Open Gaming at BOLSCON!

-- MKerr