Here is a 2500 point list I have had success with, I call it "Drop Crons"

Lord Veil, Gaze, W. Scythe, Solar Pulse 205
Lord Res. Orb, W.Scythe 150

3 monliths 705

10 Immortals 280

9 Scarabs D. Fields 144
9 Scarabs D. Fields 144

12 warriors 216
12 Warriors 216
12 Warriors 216
12 warriors 216

Total 2492.

Everything starts in reserve except Immortals and 2 lords all together. The rest of the army arrives via deepstrike or the Scarabs can turboboost on, your choice. The crons all arrive via mono portals. Immortals veil arround but with res orb, solar pulse and 2 warscythes, can stand up to most threats. WIld army, but A LOT of fun for those of you looking for something fun to try.