
So, some people seem to have a dislike towards Special characters. Now that the restriction of asking your opponents permission to use a SC has been removed, more and more people are using special characters.

Personally i like Special characters, they add a lot of character and fun to the game.

I agree that it can get boring when you see a lot of armies with the same character, but these tend to be in armies that are similar in construction anyway.

Special characters, are also just another unit within the army, if you take away their name and fluff, and make up your own or just have them as a chapter master/commissar/autarch/farseer or whatever the HQ
may be, then they are just a set of rules often only slightly better than the normal HQ choice, and sometimes A lot better, but you often play the price for this.

Take Eldrad Ulthran

his points cost, is fractionally more than taking a normal farseer which has been fully kitted out with the same powers and wargear. he also comes with some very nifty personal wargear etc. Now you could take him in your biel tann, army call him farseer aria, and change the names of his equipment and wah la, a HQ character that uses special character rules, but isn't eldrad ulthran. I say this because people who seem to dislike special characters, seem to dislike the fact there is only one of that character and why would they be on all these battles.

--Well, if u changed his name then yeh wouldn't be the same guy just using his rules as a base for your own character.

--All the games aren't happening for real or at the same time.

--why wouldn't that person be at that battle? if it needs winning send the best

Ok thoughts guys?

Like special characters?

hate them?

I will add here that, by know means am i saying everyone must like SC or dislike SC, my last thread sparked a few arguments, so i don't want to suggest that, as i would like a less heated debate/discussion.