I bought the Start collecting Skitarii box. It says on the Games workshop site that, and I quote: " exclusive Skitarii rules sheet - the Dominus Maniple - allowing you to collect, assemble and play with your new miniatures right away! "

Well you can't.

Be aware that to play the game with the models in this box you will also have to purchase the codexes for BOTH the mechanicus and the skitarii as ranges and damages for weapons are not included in the "data sheets" within! What I need and DONT have in the box are the weapons stats and although some options are costed, they are not explained. I was rather cross!
I contacted the local GW to let 'em have it, only to be told that where I'd purchased it from should have told me this!!! My FLGS got it in for me, they don't stock much and prefer other systems, but I get a discount. Its not likely they would have the hubris to try to sell me the codexes for such minimal reasons. They are good guys.

Anyway the GW staffer said also that perhaps Skitarii weren't the army for me, as I was so disappointed (Bloody Hell!). I said that I wanted a stand alone formation to supply AA for my Imperial Knights, but This couldn't happen without the codexes, actually just a couple of pages, as in the box I got the stat lines and points costs and a paragraph detailing the formation bonus (which can't be used as they don't include weapon stats!)
Ahh Eff it, I know I can get the codexes without paying, I was trying to do right by GW but....Also, I hope that the rest of these "Starter" boxes aren't equally incomplete.

Collect, assemble and play with your new miniatures right away!

I think not.
BE WARNED!* Bolsketeers
Anyway rant over