So I know that Forge World bases a lot of what they do for their Heresy-era stuff on pre-existing designs. HH is essentially their excuse to go full-bore nostalgia, and remake all the wonky old models so they look f**king amazing.

I didn't like the AdMech Thallaxi at all when they came out. Just a weird design that didn't seem to fit and seemed quite out of place.

Then, the other day, I found this:

I mean, it's wonky, but you can see the connection between this ancient miniature from back in the day - one I've never even seen once until now - and the AdMech's very first core Troop choice! You can see how, even with the not-great sculpting, it's the same helmet design, same arms, same weapon - even down to the chainblade! - same huge turbine... It's all there.

And I've not seen anyone make this connection yet, which is weird, because this is just rather awesome. Fanservice for that one guy out of the four who bought the original model and actually liked it.