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Thread: Sepia Wash

  1. #1

    Default Sepia Wash

    I'm hoping you guys can help me here. I was browsing around some painting sites and I came across what looked like a commission based website, and the guy had a couple of how to videos. One of which was how to make your own washes.

    It involved mixing some medium matte, water, and black or brown ink depending on which color you wanted. I was just wondering if anyone else had come across this as I cannot remember the name of the guys website.

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    It may be .... but I can't help but wonder why you'd make a sepia wash when the GW one is fantastic.

  3. #3


    That was it, thanks so much. I agree their wash is awesome, but it's a key color in a tyranid horde army that I'm painting, and after going through 3 pots of it. I have plenty of more to go, and I'm just wanting to try this out and see if its comperable to the GW wash. If I can buy a large amount of ingredients and achieve the same results at a lower cost, then I don't see how its really an issue.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Southeaster Illinois


    It is still okay to make your own washes. I know that the GW ones are great.....but I did a hell of a lot of models before them and they turned out fine. I still use mix washes by hand when I want a certain tone that GW doesn't make. I make tons of Graveyard Earth and khaki washes for dust on my tank treads.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by randyh View Post
    That was it, thanks so much. I agree their wash is awesome, but it's a key color in a tyranid horde army that I'm painting, and after going through 3 pots of it. I have plenty of more to go, and I'm just wanting to try this out and see if its comperable to the GW wash. If I can buy a large amount of ingredients and achieve the same results at a lower cost, then I don't see how its really an issue.
    Making it in large amounts didn't even occur to me. Consider me told.

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