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  1. #1

    Default 3000- Lizardmen 'Ard Boyz Stompy list

    Well, I've never played an army that used large monsters for the last decade, so I figured now that they're effective in a newer book- Lizardmen- I'd finaly give them a go. So here's the list I've thrown together:

    Lord Mazimundi

    Lord Fatty himself, he's going to ride with 2 EoTG's on either side of him, creating a nice bubble with the BSB and will probably use Lore of Death in order to cast Drain Life, creating another AoE spell.

    Slann Mage Priest
    Forced Rumination
    Focus of Mystery
    Higher State of Conscience
    Cupped Hands of the Old Ones

    Sits back on his own shooting off Doom and Darkness and trying to posess a Skink in order to get another Drain life off. He should be able to cast both reliably in additon to a magic missile or two. And if he miscasts, then he'll just send it over to an enemy, and oh! cause two wound to them!

    Skink Priest
    Level 2
    Engine of the Gods
    Dispel Scroll
    Rod of the Storm

    Runs with Lord Fatty and tries to team up with another EotGs to get 2 Burning Alingments and 2D6 impact hits on one unit.

    Skink Priest
    Level 2
    Engine of the Gods
    Cube of Darkness

    Tries to dispel a whole magic phase, then just tries to survive using Burning Alignment and impact hits to turn combat.

    Skink Priest
    Level 2
    Engine of the Gods

    Stompy death.

    Skink Priest
    Level 2
    Engine of the Gods

    More stompy death

    10 Skinks

    10 Skinks

    10 Skinks

    10 Skinks

    Table quarter claimers, they try not to die.

    3 Teradons

    March blockers and Warmachine/Mage hunters.

    It's at 2995, with oh around 2700 points in charecters. Herohammer at it's finest here, it's something I don't think my group will be expecting or be prepared for. What do y'all think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Tucson, AZ


    This is a Dwarf/Empire artillaryman's a Dwarf Player I can tell you that my 4-8 Bolt Throwers (that hit you on 2s/3s depending on range) and 2 cannons can effectively take at least 2 (probably 3) stegs down a turn...and that's only 800pts worth of the army. All BTs have str 8 so they also wound the stegs on 2s w/ no armor save allowed and do D3 woulds.

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