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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    South Africa

    Default Dice!!! Proof they have a sense of humour

    Does anyone lend there dice to there opponents? I ask as I have a problem with lending my dice to someone who I am playing against. I almost feel as if I’ve been cheated. It’s like going to war and lending your enemy some of your ammo…

    I had a game recently. As we where about to set up I was asked if I would mind lending him some dice as he had forgotten his… WTH I thought… Forgotten your dice!!! And just as I suspected, all the sacrifices I had made to the dice gods where for nothing. My opponent rolled them like he had some blackmail material on then. I could not get a break. By my turn 3 of the game more then half my army was dead or running away. And my general was dead.

    I use the same dice for 40K and Fantasy.

    So does this only happen to me? Does anyone else have Horror stories of being betrayed by there dice?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    MA, USA


    Well, not really, but that's probably because soon after I started 40K, I lined up my game dice in front of one of those cheap, hollow plastic novelty dice and took a hammer to it. After that public execution, I have never had much dissention in the ranks. Occasionally they have a bad day, but they usually make up for it.

    In fact, during one BFG game in which I lent my dice to an opponent, I rolled 5s and 6s galore, and hepulled off only one specail order all game (for you non-BFGers, that basically meant he had absolutely no chance of winning.).
    Proud Battlefleet Gothic evangelist. You got BFG questions? Just ask!
    Check out my fancy BoLS user blog for stories, ideas, and army lists!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Central Coast, CA


    i have played a few games where Abbadon has died from the worst circumstances.... like getting hit by a few guardsmen and then rolling 4 1's for armor saves.....

    haha or even once we saw a random Ork boy with a big shoota take out Tigurius....
    it was back in 4th where you could only hit models you see, and tigeruis was the only model in LOS, so he opens up, hitting all 3 times "wow that was pretty lucky..." then wounds all 3 times "damn, thats pretty good! haha" then rolls his armor, 3 1's..... "...... seriously?" no one around could stop laughing

  4. #4


    would i let my opponent use my dice? if i HAD to, sure... but generally no. Then again i often won't roll any dice that share a color with my opponents army.

  5. #5


    I do not believe in the Dice Gods or even nod in their direction. When an opponent is done attacking me and points at his dice on the table indicating the number of saves I need to make I will routinely scoop up his dice and make my saves without having to bother to count out how many saves I have to make... it doesn't matter: however many of my opponent's dice are still in play will exactly cover the rolls I need to make.

    There is no luck.

    There is no mystical force pushing your dice one way or the other.

    Any roll is just as lucky to come up a number between 1 and 6 as any other roll.

    I spit on the Dice Gods.

    I sometimes get an inward laugh when I see the look of horror on an opponents face after I've rolled his dice. It makes me feel all gooey inside!

    All joking aside, I know that not everyone shares my views on this. If I am playing a truly supersticious opponent I won't pick up their dice and roll. Most folks: let's keep rolling the dice and keep this game moving!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Devizes, Wiltshire, UK


    lol i'm guessing this is meant as a light hearted thread.

    in theory it should be common practise to share each others dice in games anyway simply to prevent the dice being weighted etc (you can't weight dice to your advantage if your opponent might use them too)

    but yeah, ive seen some horrendous rolling on my opponents side when they borrow my dice.

    i'm a guard player and can roll some utterly unbelievable 5+'s pretty much consistantly. but when it comes to my opponent grabbing my dice to check they arent rigged, fails aplenty

    in fact me and my small gaming group of friends had a pretty unbelievable run of rolling 6's for Bionics tests back in older editions. (a 6 to get back up the turn after they died) my friend had a Chaos Lord named LORD INVINCIBLE because he once made 4 bionics rolls in a single game (our games used to go on for much more than the usual 6 turns) and if we ever used his dice, could we ever do that? lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by ThePov View Post
    Well, not really, but that's probably because soon after I started 40K, I lined up my game dice in front of one of those cheap, hollow plastic novelty dice and took a hammer to it. After that public execution, I have never had much dissention in the ranks. Occasionally they have a bad day, but they usually make up for it.

    In fact, during one BFG game in which I lent my dice to an opponent, I rolled 5s and 6s galore, and hepulled off only one specail order all game (for you non-BFGers, that basically meant he had absolutely no chance of winning.).

    Friggin brilliant....
    I'm going to get a hammer NOW!

    I usually have a spare set of dice, just in case I have a really good/bad run of rolling and want to switch out to make sure I am not winning/losing due to dice. If someone needs to borrow, I just hand over those instead.
    What I always forget, without fail, is my scatter die. And when I forget that and have to borrow, I deservedly never hit.

  8. #8


    You can take my dice from my cold dead fingers! lol
    To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kinda weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Bethlehem, PA



    I was playing a game with my friend and I had brand new dice. They were rolling great. So good in fact that my friend, during a pivotal moment in the game, quickly snatched up my dice (without asking) and started using them. Rolling like a champion, giggling like a little school girl the entire time. He was making all of his rolls, and he knew I was about ready to explode because they were my dice, he knew he was using them without my permission, and he knew I was heavily displeased about it, but it only added to his pleasure.

    I don't hold grudges, but he crossed a line that day and I will not soon forget.

  10. #10


    hehehehehehehehehehehehe... (little school-girl laugh)...

    I can still remember some of the looks players gave me early on before I learned that this superstition existed in this hobby. They'd finish attacking me and I'd reach out into the middle of the table, snatch up the dice, and start making my saves.


    I've since learned that some folks are quite serious about this. I often let my opponents know my cavalier attitude about this by stating, "I don't believe in the dice gods. Feel free to use my dice." at the beginning of the game. Their response sorts out the matter 90% of the time.

    Every once in a while I still see an opponent's face go ashen after I pick up and roll their dice.

    Oops. :P


    PS If you ever find yourself across the table from me please remember to let me know where you stand on this issue. I'm a nice guy and it really can slip my mind that some people are REALLY serious about others not rolling their dice...

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