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  1. #1

    Default 2250 Tomb Kings List

    Hi All,

    I'm really wanting to start a Tomb Kings army (orignally a Dwarf player). I thought I'd write up a list, starting with the modles I want (ie the Ushabti) and the ones I thought I could have some fun with. After the list is a little synopsis of what I was thinking tactics wise. Please let me know what you think and if there are any things I should change!

    Tomb King, Crook and Flail of Radiance, Armour of the Ages, Talisman of Protection, Shield

    Icon Bearer, Light armour, Banner of the Undying Legion

    Liche Priest (Hierophant), Staff of Mastery

    Liche Priest, Blue Khepra

    20x Skeleton Warriors, spears and shields, light armour, Full Command

    20x Skeleton Warriors, spears and shields, light armour, Full Command

    10x Skeleton Warriors

    10x Skeleton Warriors

    10x Skeleton Light Horsemen

    25x Tomb Guard, Full Command, Standard of the Cursing Word

    3x Ushabti

    3x Carrion

    Screaming Skull Catapult, Skulls of the Foe

    TOTAL Points: 2,237

    I was thinking of putting the Tomb King, Icon Bearer and the Lich Priest with the Blue Khepra into the Tomb Guard Unit. I don't know if this is a good idea though because I know it's going to be targeted. It has magic resistance from the Khepra and it can cast the incantation of summoning twice per turn (one from banner and once from the priest), I think that should keep them around as it's 2D6 worth of models per turn unless dispelled. My other Liche Priest can use the incantation as well if things get dire, and I think only magic heavy armies will be able to dispel it all three times.

    The archers and light horsemen will be used to snipe the enemies big, tough formations. The first few turns before combat starts I'm hoping to use the heirophant to give one of these units double shots. The carrion are going after any enemy war machines then will pick at any skirmishers about.

    The two blocks of skeleton warriors and the ushabti are going to protect the tomb guards flanks.

    Please let me know what you think. All critisisms and comments welcome!

  2. #2

    Default just me

    sounds like a good list. only few things i might suggest would be to take out carrion. so far they aren't good. they can flank and maybe take out a cannon but not likely to make it in such small unit sizes. then i would suggest taking the standard of the cursing word and putting in a unit of regular skeletons. tomb guard make killy well enough, less your just hoping for a buzz saw unit which seems to rarely happen with tomb kings. i would aaalso suggest the tomb king having the destroyer of eternities and the collar of shapesh if you put him in with tomb guard. that tends to kill at least three models per turn and if you keep a reg unit of skellies near by it allows a cheap unit for sacrifice. and if there was any way to find points to drop and put in a tomb giant its well worth it. this way your enemy doesn't get a lucky shot off with any type of cannon or bolt thrower and you don't pass your look out sir. people tend to focus on shooting a tomb giant. and with its higher toughness and more wounds is harder to kill. plus if it does get into flanking combat, units tend to disappear. but all of that is moot really. just depends on your playing style. play test wash rinse and repeat. tomb kings are hard as hell to play but i love em all the same. good luck man

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