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  1. #1
    Adeptus Custodes
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Second edition CSM Special Characters

    I was wondering if anyone out there with a Second Ed. Chaos codex could give me a quick rundown of the Special characters that were in it?

  2. #2


    I don't have one in front of me, but I can give you an accurate rundown of the SCs.

    Fabius Bile
    Huron Blackheart

    Both Slaneesh and Nurgle lacked special characters, Lucius and Typhus are more recent additions. In the 3rd Ed codex we saw the addition (just for the that ed dex) of Doomrider (Slaneeshie Deamon Prince on a bike). Cypher has been lost in the warp for a little while now, and Huron is back from a 2 codex sabbatical. Some people may think that Huron is only a recent character. They would be wrong. While his model is new (he's never had an official model until the most recent one) his rules were in the 2nd ed Codex.

    Hope that helps

  3. #3
    Adeptus Custodes
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Thanks! Funny that the emperors children have had three special characters, whereas Iron warriors, nightlords, alpha legion and word bearers have had none. (altough doom rider might be a daemon)

  4. #4


    I wouldn't really consider Fabius against the standard of current Emporer's Children. I think that he's on his own agenda.

    Doomrider,.... I'm not sure where to group him.

    Lucius is the first true (in the spirit of the Slaneesh induced EC) EC character.

  5. #5


    Doomrider gets filed under "lol wut." No fluff, no explaination, just a clown on a flying motorcycle who appears and vanishes at random. It's like, what, where shouldn't there be a clown on a flying motorcycle?

    I try to pretend he never happened, actually. I think maybe they were going for a Headless Horseman type vibe, but it didn't happen.

  6. #6


    I always thought Doomrider was cool. But yeah guy was around for one book and hasn't been heard from since. Would be neat to see a character that makes CSM bikes viable tho.

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