Mephiston - 250

Sanguinary Priest - Power Weapon Jump Pack - 90
Sanguinary Priest- Power Weapon - 65
Terminator Assault Squad - 3x Lightning Claws 2 TH/SS - 210
Land Raider - Extra Armor Melta Gun - 275

Assault Squad - 2 melta Power Fist - 235
Assault Squad - 2 melta Power Fist - 235
Assault Squad - 2 flamers power weapon - 215

Fast Attack
Baal Predator - Heavy Bolters - 145
Baal Predator - Heavy Bolters - 145

Heavy Support
Predator - Las Cannons sponsons - 135

So this army is about threat level making my opponent decide what he wants to try to target first.
I am willing to change out the Land Raider for a crusader if it seems that it would do better I only ran it as a normal build for extra tank popping power.
I would also be willing to drop the terminators all together but not the raider I would put it on an assault squad and free up 245 points. Let me know what you guys think and thanks for the feed back.