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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rosamond, CA, soon to be Provo, UT

    Question Buying at GW vs the Internet vs FLGS

    Dear BoLS Readers,

    I have thought about this topic a lot before and have been recently thinking about it. I did a search on the forums and couldn't find anything exactly about what I want to talk about, so I hope this thread isn't a repeat, at least not a recent one.

    When buying models and other warhammer related items I find myself torn between buying them from GW directly, discount internet stores, and my FLGS. I have a few pros and cons that I think about when I purchase models, but I'd like to hear what you have to say about why you purchase from where you purchase.

    Things I consider when purchasing:
    - I want to support GW, so sometimes I buy models directly from the website or a GW retail store. I do this because in my head I feel that I'm somehow ensuring the continuation of GW.
    - I also like to save money, so sometimes I go to various discount stores on the internet. I rationalize in my mind that I'm still supporting GW indirectly because the discount stores had to buy from GW.
    - At the same time, I want to ensure my FLGS stays in business, so I buy from them from time to time too. I look at it like a monthly membership fee or something, so I try to buy something from my FLGS when I can and when they have it in stock.

    I don't think there's really a right answer to my feelings, but these are things I consider when I purchase things.

    What are the things you consider when you purchase gaming stuff?

    "If you're going through hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Wales, UK


    First I ask myself what I want my army to look like and are GW figures the best for the job. For example; My Traitor Guard. GW do not make Traitor Guard, unless you count the incredibly overpriced Forgeworld conversion kits. So I look at people like Wargames Factory and Pig Iron, both of whom do lovely figures which are perfect for the job. I also scour E-Bay etc. to see if anyone is scrapping their army cheap.

    If I decide to buy GW then there's a range of discount sellers in the UK I can choose from. I would support a FLGS if we had one in Mid-Wales, but we don't. I reason that as these shops are selling genuine GW product GW still makes a profit from the sales so what the hey.

    I would only go to a GW outlet as a last resort - after all they are full price, full of spotty youths (the staff) who treat middle-aged chaps like me either as 'dumb parents' to be talked down to or some sort of dinosaur. After all I was outside the door when Steve and Ian opened Dalling road...

    If it is a vehicle I want I generally scour the internet for plans and then build it from scratch myself. I remember the days when you had to scratchbuild every vehicle because GW only had Rhinos and Landraiders to offer. Besides there something honest about plonking your army down knowing you've literally sweated blood (usually on an X-acto blade) to build it.

    When trying out a new army I tend to create a Paper Figure version first, just to see if I actually like the way the army plays before placing my hard-earnt cash in GW's corporate coffers.

    I know I am a heretic, and a good few people here would rather die than play my fully-painted, half-scratch built but less than 95% pure GW armies. As far as I am concerned that is their loss, not mine :P

    It's about time people realised that GW is not the Hobby. It is a significant player to be true, but they do not hold the monopoly on creativity, artistry and craftsmanship.
    Generalissimo Grabnutz, never knowingly under-armed.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Hawaii, in the Eye of Terror


    We don't have a GW Retail Store in Hawaii. Our local FLGS's run in store open gaming, organize events, and are the face of the hobby, and they are GREAT!!! (Especially 'Other Realms', you guys rock!). So if I can possibly buy something from the FLGS, I go there first. GW may not make as much money as if I bought directly from them, but they make some, and my FLGS makes some, and I get wonderful GW product!

    What I've been worried about is that some models are GW direct sales only. I don't want to buy models from GW mail order and then go and play at my FLGS without contributing to their local sales! Without the FLGS, gaming would dry up in Hawaii, mostly I'm sure! So GW, stop it, make everything available through my local store, and I'll be happy!

    --- Dreg

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Sector 0-0-1: Terra


    When you purchase Games-Workshop goods at your Favorite Local Game Store, you ARE supporting G.W. AND you're helping your FLGS stay open as well. Face it, your FLGS is the place where you and your friends can gather and play.

    Sure, everyone likes to save money. And these days money tends to be more difficult to get than it was in the past. But think about this, when you purchase from eBay, or some Internet Discounter, you're NOT supporting your FLGS. What if your FLGS were to disappear into the warp, where would you play??

    Buy Local. Support your Favorite Local Game Store !
    Melissia Wrote: "I think the secret to getting more people to stop calling you an arrogant elitist douchebag is to stop being an arrogant elitist douchebag."

  5. #5


    FLGS: Our stockist keeps prices at what they were set at when he received it, so I pick up things that have been sitting a year or so. Also some new items. GW price increases have really cut down my business with him. unfortunate

    Internet: Recently became my primary purchasing area.

    GW: Only if the model I want can't be found anywhere else on discount

  6. #6


    Buy from your FLGS.

    Online and direct from GW should only be used if you have no FLGS or your FLGS is worth boycotting.

    A FLGS should be able to order you anything that GW offers.
    Build a relationship with the store you like and don't go to the one(s) you don't.
    Nearly all brick and mortar stores can offer you a discount below GW list price. This might not be as low as the online stores but view the difference as a "field fee" to be able to play and hang out in the FLGS.

    The simple reason that a FLGS charges more is so that they can cover their rent, which gives you a place to play.

    There are a hundred reasons that you should buy local (for everything, not just GW).
    There are very few reasons to buy via the internet, GW or otherwise.
    In fact don't ever buy direct from GW unless it's the only option. GW has made it clear that they want you to buy through your FLGS.

    just my .02 for my first post on BoLS

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rosamond, CA, soon to be Provo, UT


    Thanks for the replies. It's good to know that LGS are supported.

    I really want my FLGS to stay in business. I've been playing there since college. And the staff are great and the players are good too. One of the reasons I haven't bought any High Elves is that I'm waiting to buy them at my FLGS.
    "If you're going through hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Minneapolis, MN


    I buy from the FLGS when possible. It's hard to compete with ebay, though. I recently got a Devilfish for under $5 on ebay. I also buy a lot of bits from ebay because you can't buy bits at the local store. I managed to get all of the bits to construct a Baneblade (minus the hull) for $25, and I figure it should be pretty easy to use plasticard to replace the missing parts. I love my FLGS but I wouldn't have bought a baneblade for full price.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rosamond, CA, soon to be Provo, UT


    Lerra, I think it's really cool that you have the skill to build your own Baneblade. Down at the LA Battle Bunker some guy built a Warlord or Imperitor (sp?) class titan out of card. It is one of the best 'models' I've seen in my life. It's absolutely amazing.
    "If you're going through hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Newport, RI


    Quote Originally Posted by Lerra View Post
    I buy from the FLGS when possible. It's hard to compete with ebay, though. I recently got a Devilfish for under $5 on ebay. I also buy a lot of bits from ebay because you can't buy bits at the local store. I managed to get all of the bits to construct a Baneblade (minus the hull) for $25, and I figure it should be pretty easy to use plasticard to replace the missing parts. I love my FLGS but I wouldn't have bought a baneblade for full price.

    I buy pretty much anything I can from the LGS (both of them.)

    The only time I don't buy from the LGS is out of print stuff on eBay, or when I get a really good deal.

    For me, it is all about how I budget things. I have a set amount of money I am willing to spend on GW/PP/Malifaux stuff from the FLGS. I don't spend that money on eBay. What I do spend on eBay is leftover money after I have payed the bills and put money in savings.

    This way I always have a flow of cash going into the FLGS, and I can still buy stuff on eBay if I need to.

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