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  1. #1
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    Jul 2009
    New Dixie, Dixie

    Default Your Least Favorite GW Fluff

    The game's setting is fantastic. Humanity in the future balances on a knife's edge for survival in a galaxy of mutants, monsters, and mayhem. However...occassionally you run across a storyline or theme that might strike you as just a bit stupid. What GW fluff would be best flushed into the Eye of Terror?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Boston, MA, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Drunkencorgimaster View Post
    What GW fluff would be best flushed into the Eye of Terror?
    The background of the Squats.

    Oh wait, already done!

    I'd have to say the story of the Soul Drinkers. It's so heavily flawed it's ridiculous...

  3. #3


    I personally find this hard to say, but really the only thing about 40k fluff that i don't like is often limited to the fluff that i know and among the stuff i know i would have to say i dislike the concept that there is an assumption that EVERY necron is following the plans of a C'tan.

    If there was so many C'tan before then it would be easy to assume they each had their own private necron force. As these C'tan fell to other C'tan or old ones then those necrons would be own their own, some joined other but i like to think that others are following the goals of their own Lords.

    I mean i love the C'tan but i think the concept of a Necron force that is just doing its own thing outside the motavtions of feeding their C'tan gods with souls is cool.

  4. #4



    Because they are so cool. But there has never been models or rules. So instead there have been many sub standard conversions and bad home brew rules. We have titans, Ctan, and DPs. But we never get Primarchs, ever in any edition.

    So I would rather they were gone... or GW actually give them some attention. Apoc pre-heresy edition.

  5. #5


    I believe there was a model for Leman Russ.

    I like the heroics of Space Marines, but when I try to rationalise some numbers (amount of ammo which is carried by marine, number of marines in the universe, number of marines in a chapter vs. attrition rate, etc., you know these things, they are already discussed elsewhere) by comparing fluff to tabletop it does not sit well. Personally I believe there must be more marines and the way they are portrayed should be down toned. Also, they need smaller bullets (bolts, if you will) or bigger clips

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    MA, USA


    Honestly, Squats are my only pet peeve in the entirety of 40K. The other little inconsistencies I can deal with and even justify (I believe there was a thread here a little while ago about a 1984 doublethink approach to 40K fluff, which I quite liked.), but Squats annoy me, mostly because people insit on bringing them up. 40K is NOT "WFB in space." It would be boring if it was, I'd rather just play Fantasy if that werre the case and cut out the middleman. Squats were ogtten rid of for a reason, and the fact that everybody keeps bringing them back up is something I don't get. In various fantasy lores, a lot of the time Dwarves are reclusive and prefer to stick to their mines, only fighting when forced to. It would seem to me that such a race, given a whole galaxy to mine and hide in, would be able to avoid major inter-stellar politics and conflict entirely. Squats are no longer a part of the 40K mythology. Get over it.

    I have no problem with the Demiurg, however. There is room for a race of short, stout engineers and miners in the 40K universe at large, but as one of the smaller Xenos race that do not play a big enough part in the grander events of the galaxy to warrant a full blown army. An appearance in a specialist game, or even a Kroot-like ally to an existing race (AdMec, if GW ever actually comes out with an AdMec codex), however, is fine by me. In fact, I encourage this, to give the mythology are wider scope, to show there are other things out there besides Orks, Humans, Tau, Necrons, Eldar, and 'Nids. Demiurg are the poster-race for this idea.
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  7. #7


    The Blood Angels. Fine chapter, pretty army, berserker rage lurking in the background, no problem with any of that. But Fangs? come on........... Are they not hard enough? Do they need to "imply" their some kind of Vampire throw backs?
    To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kinda weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Windsor Ontario Canada


    While Squats did indeed suck....I have to say I've always hated Ratlings. The Soul Drinkers. Most of the Tales of Heresy book, Abnett and McNeils contributions excepted. The portrayal of the Word Bearers in Battle for the Abyss. And that's just off the top of my head...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Winston-Salem, CA


    I hate the new Chaos Space Marine fluff. It was cool when they were galactic conquerors, but now they are little more then pirates. They need to bring back legions.
    "All power... demands sacrifice..." ~ Sindri Myr

  10. #10


    I dislike some of the fluff around sm that is rarely used, such as the suposed memory gain from eating their opponents flesh. I have never seen it used, same for the acid saliva to a lesser extent. Also the necron world engien in the sm codex was really under done and didn't apper well thought out.

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