Ok just picked up 8th edition and my brain is really hung up on how vehicles and melee work now. I understand a certain amount of abstraction but this could just be game-breaking for me personally ...

So just regular infantry are able to kill vehicles (even reasonably heavy ones) with just masses of regular melee attacks now... Actually with the whole still wounding on a 5+ unless the toughness is at least double this seems like a fairly effective way to wear down some vehicles. Whatever, I can deal with this...

The bigger issue is around what a vehicle can do once it has been charged by infantry. Some questions ...
1. Vehicles can't "tank-shock" or run over infantry in any way?
2. Once a vehicle has been charged it's only recourse is to "fall back"?
a. When it is trying to move away it can move through enemy units? If it was sufficiently surrounded by infantry it can't move in any way?
b. So since it had to "fall back" it can't shoot or do anything else?
c. If it isn't a super fast vehicle the same infantry can just charge it again next round and thus once a not particularly fast tank is charged it is basically neutralized for the rest of the game?

Sorry if I am missing some rule or if I am getting to hung up on anything that is vaguely realistic/plausible but I am not sure I can get past this. I would appreciate any clarification.