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Thread: Space Hulk!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Winston-Salem, CA

    Default Space Hulk!

    Alright it's out! Just wanted to open a thread to talk about all things Space Hulk!

    I unfortunately wasn't into GW when SH was out, so I guess I missed out on the older version, but this new one looks fantastic! $100 seems a little steep to me though... oh well, I'm hoping maybe I can grab one before they run out.

    As for gameplay... what's it like? lol
    "All power... demands sacrifice..." ~ Sindri Myr

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    West Melbourne, Florida U.S.


    When I played the game 16ish years ago it was pretty fun.
    40k Dark Eldar HORDES - Legion of Everblight / INFINITY - Yu Jing, HaqqIslam

  3. #3


    £58!!!!! I don't bloody think so!

    There is no way in hell I'm parting with that kind of money for what looks to me like a re-hash of the the basic game.

    I remember about 5/6 years ago a discount chain of bookstores were selling the old one off for £10 each and they couldn't give em away.

    Is this what all that fuss was about? Is this the best they can do?

    Very, very disappointed.
    To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kinda weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Sydney, Australia


    Huge Space Hulk fan. I've got two original boxes, Deathwing and Genestealer (which sucks rules wise IMO).

    It plays nothing like 40k in the slightest, and is very easy to learn, but hard to master. It's also good for introducing others to the game, my girlfriend and I took a set when we went on holidays - her idea too - and she had a great time playing (won half the time and I wasn't going easy either).

    Really looking forward to this new version. It looks like it should play a mix of Deathwing, 2nd Ed and some of the WD and Journal expansions.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Sydney, Australia


    £24 for 5 terminators, £14 for 8 genestealers. Just buying the models alone would cost around £80, and not including the metal librarian and broodlord. Most boardgames sell for about £15-30, and are produced in massive quantities compared to this set (which drives prices up). Very few of them include 30 odd large, highly detailed plastic playing pieces either. Seems quite reasonable to me.

    And try getting a copy of the game now, you'd be looking at at least 50-60 USD, up to high three figures for a complete set. And if those discount stores had the 2nd ed ones (as would be more likely) I'm not suprised they couldn't give them away. The terminators in the pics had grass on their bases for crying out loud!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    London U.K


    I loved original Space Hulk and the expansions. I still have them all in good order but I couldn't resist buying 2 sets of the new one.
    As with any game with a board, it is very tactical. In order to win you have to think. You can't just throw some models down run forward, roll some dice and hope, which is how 40k games at my local store seem to go. If some of the new guys pick it up and get good then I'm looking forward to better games not only of Space Hulk but across the range.
    I really can't wait. Roll on September.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Austin, Texas


    It seems like an absolute bargain to me. even if the rules are a rehash, so much of what you pay for is the minis and other game pieces. my mouth waters just looking at the terminators; they really pulled out the stops to make each one look like he was a true hero of the Imperium.

    I for one am so glad they did this, as I haven't had a good game of Space Hulk in over a decade.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I couldn't have played Space Hulk if i wasn't for some guy that brang the original to my gaming store, its nothing like 40k, but even those terminators were like the AoBR ones 'cept they had rotating waists, AWESOME!!!

    But these terminators look amazing and has anyone looked at the plastic Librabian pic?
    "STUPIDITY, If your going to do it, go for GOLD!"

  9. #9


    Lets be honest there is nothing wrong with the old rules for Space hulk, and by the number of flame counters that come with the game there has been some small changes. And by just going off what it would cost me for termies never mind the librarian and the nids I am still ahead. Question is are they the same scale as regular termies? And if they are why are the 1 piece termies that come with a board game look better than the multi piece termies that I have to buy in the store? And if they can make 1 piece models that look like these ones why are they bothering with the multi piece models? Id rather just have them from space hulk.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Austin, Texas


    Because it's for a limited release. They needed everything to be unique to the game to help secure interest.

    It's 40k scale, fyi.

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