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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Naperville, IL


    I have to agree with HsojVvad 100% on this, ChapterHouse--you post the pic/mini--you get the good with the bad.

    Accept it, live with it, learn from it. Remember--you're posting to your potential customer base here. Coming off as defensive is not going to engender random passer-by to want to look at your website/place an order.

  2. #22


    Criticm is fine, yet I think everyone knows the difference between a critique and insults. Thats all Ill say.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Cedar City, Utah


    It's an okay start. I don't necessarily mind the whole "orifice" look (It makes sense for an organic drop pod), but it just doesn't jump out as Tyranid to me.

    Just a few suggestions from someone who knows how great some constructive criticism can be.

    Every Tyranid unit in the game has armor plates. From the tiny ones on the Genestealer's head to the big old things on the Trygon, they all have the segmented insect-like plates that distinctly mark them out as being Tyranids. I thing that if these could somehow be incorporated, they would go a long way to making the model look more Tyranid-y and less "pornographic" for lack of a better word.

    Incorporate the lash whip and ripper tentacles somewhere. Right now the model looks completely defenseless, which is far from the truth in-game. Weapon options might also be a good idea if possible.

    Throw some spikes or claws on the thing. That should break up the smooth outline and keep it from looking more "adult" than it should. Besides, pretty much everything Tyranid has claws and/or spikes. Doing this would also help make it look a little more Nid-worthy.

    That's all I can think of at the moment. This has the potential to be a great model, but I don't think it's quite there yet. Just keep working at it and I have a feeling that this has the potential to be a favorite among Nid players.

    Hope that helped.

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by SierraFiveOne View Post
    It's an okay start. I don't necessarily mind the whole "orifice" look (It makes sense for an organic drop pod), but it just doesn't jump out as Tyranid to me.

    Just a few suggestions from someone who knows how great some constructive criticism can be.

    Every Tyranid unit in the game has armor plates. From the tiny ones on the Genestealer's head to the big old things on the Trygon, they all have the segmented insect-like plates that distinctly mark them out as being Tyranids. I thing that if these could somehow be incorporated, they would go a long way to making the model look more Tyranid-y and less "pornographic" for lack of a better word.

    Incorporate the lash whip and ripper tentacles somewhere. Right now the model looks completely defenseless, which is far from the truth in-game. Weapon options might also be a good idea if possible.

    Throw some spikes or claws on the thing. That should break up the smooth outline and keep it from looking more "adult" than it should. Besides, pretty much everything Tyranid has claws and/or spikes. Doing this would also help make it look a little more Nid-worthy.

    That's all I can think of at the moment. This has the potential to be a great model, but I don't think it's quite there yet. Just keep working at it and I have a feeling that this has the potential to be a favorite among Nid players.

    Hope that helped.
    Well here are some other shots, there are whips and tentacles coming out of one side, we are also including a optional bit that will have a "nodule" with a weapon limb poke out that you can magnetize as well as add your choice of GW weapon to the end.

    Maybe that answers some of your critiques.

    By the way I appreciate your comments, that is helpful and not insulting.


  5. #25


    It's a wicked looking model and it's very well done. But it has a more beast-from-the-ocean-floor look to it than a Tyranid look.

    If you look at the picture in the Codex a mycetic spore actually looks a carnifex w/ tentacles

  6. #26


    That's because the picture in the foreground is the 'fex emerging from the pod

    Look at the ones in the background and landing

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    West Melbourne, Florida U.S.


    Quote Originally Posted by chapterhousestudios View Post
    Criticm is fine, yet I think everyone knows the difference between a critique and insults. Thats all Ill say.
    Of which no one here has insulted you.

    So I think you are the one here that doesn't know the difference.

    Welcome to the world of Art! Take from me, as a comic book artist - Not everyone is going to like your work. When someone ACTUALLY insults you, to your face, then you'll know what an insult is.

    The model is ugly as a spore pod. Live in denial behind the weak sheath of moderator protection, doesn't bother me one bit. We all know what it looks like, as people in my local store have already shared my opinion on this matter, only THEY were actually insulting, because they don't have a censor stopping what they say.

    You do good work, but what you need to learn as a seller is to never allow your emotions to show. You aren't the customer. You are better than that. Just smile and move on. Don't get defensive because someone made you feel butt hurt.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Ontario, Canada


    I have to agree with the majority of people here.

    It does look very well done and... realistic...
    But, good eye to detail and skill does not equal appropriate or classy.

    There are so many other ways it could have been made: armoured beaks that are opening, dripping slime; three or four organic 'leaves/pedals' like the eggs in the alien series, even something that looks more like a heart valve or stomach sphincter (if you needed it to look like human organics).

    But instead, I cannot help but feel, the idea must have went, "Her, Her. Lets make it look like a Vag." Very grown up.
    It is not the combat I resent, brother. It is the thirst for glory that gets men cut into ribbons.

  9. #29


    IMHO.... The original Nids (except some of the RT era) are based on Aliens movie (Cameron's queen alien) rather than Alien movie (H.R. Giger's warrior alien). Althought the Alien Queen preseves part of the exoskeleton, and other so well establish features, was a major departure from H.R. Giger's sexual simbolism intrinsic imaginery for a more combat-warrior/plating/armoured/beastie. And it's Cameron's warrior bug version what's the real inspiration core for Nids.
    For that reason I think it's a stepback (althought original and great craftwork) and does not transmit a Nid sense, look & feel..
    Last edited by heartbitt; 09-06-2010 at 01:00 PM.

  10. #30


    Oh yes, a sphincter. I'm sure that would lead to a much more mature critique

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