The Warhound Titan and the Reaver Titan are coming soon to Adeptus Titanicus. Take a look at the new pictures of their sprues, so you can see the component parts of these two soon-to-be titans.
The post [URL="http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2018/08/titanicus-sprue-cing-up-the-warhound-and-reaver-titan-sprue-pics-spotted.html"]Titanicus: Sprue-cing Up The Warhound And Reaver Titan – Sprue Pics Spotted[/URL] appeared first on [URL="http://www.belloflostsouls.net"]Bell of Lost Souls[/URL].

[url=http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2018/08/titanicus-sprue-cing-up-the-warhound-and-reaver-titan-sprue-pics-spotted.html]Click to read the full article.[/url]