Quote Originally Posted by eldargal View Post
Hm, good idea. Sound theory

P.S. How much wine are you willing to provide, and how much shall I be paid?
Eldargal raises an interesting question here and I will now dispense some general advice to the (vaguely) male members of this forum:

How much should you pay for a date?

Now for the standard date where you are looking to meet the love of your life and the future mother of your children I would say two cinema tickets and a shared mid price pizza are about right, if your looking to impress maybe a taxi home but only if your on a high income ( You may laugh but my first date with my wife of 15 years and the mother of my child consisted of two cinema tickets, which I got for free, and half a lager!) (Oh and it was Highlander 2 for those that really need to know) (No I did not think it was as good as the first one, but at least we had something to talk about in the pub afterwards, how bad the film was).

Now if we're talking a date with a 6ft tall statuesque blonde who with the right amount of wine in her is willing to invite one of her friends (or any other random female) to join in any fun that might be had, I would say that the GNP of a small African nation should be spent on what ever the hell she wants