I'm getting really tired of cannons putting holes in my Stegadons and Carnosaur before the game even starts, and the sheer number of missile weapons my opponents are using now that the new shooting rules are out is well very intense. Many people have suggested Terradons and I 've done this plenty of times it's a wonderful unit but generally a one hit wonder unit that dies after doing it's bit, in one horrible game my Stegadon carring the engine of the Gods and projected the powerfeild was hit by a great cannon suffered 5 wounds and just died no ifs ands or buts. He then unleashed bullet hell on my now unprotected saurus and almost wiped two units of 35 saurus off the board thats insane by the way, used outriders to pop my teradons etc. By the end of his shooting phase I had one Skink left (failed it's Ld and Boogied), 23 of my original 70 saurus, a badly wounded Oldblood who had his Carnosaur shot out from under him and a very horrified unit of Saurus cavarly that was lucklyl hidden behind a rock formation. It was ridiculous and the most nerve wrecking game I've ever played probably the closest I've come to actually getting angry during a game, anyone got an idea how to handle armies like this when your own army sucks at shooting or has almost no shooting to speak of, it seems to me that shooting has replaced magic as the most deadly factor in Fantasty.