So Im teaming with a BA player to take on a Traitor Guard/Marine army. Please let me know what you think of my half of our force:

Vulkan 190pts

Tac Squad 1 230pts
- flamer, mm
-sgt with combi melta, meltabombs
-rhino w/ extra storm bolter

Tac Squad 2 230pts
- flamer, mm
-sgt with combi melta, meltabombs
-rhino w/ extra storm bolter

Sternguard Vets (6) 210
- 2 x combi flamer, 2 x melta gun, 1 x combi melta
-sgt with combi melta, melta bombs, lightning claw
- drop pod

Venerable Dreadnought 200pts
- Multi Melta, DCCW
- Drop Pod

Assault Terminators (5) 200pts
- 5x th/ss

Land Raider Redeemer 265pts
- TL assault cannon, 2 x flamerstorm cannons, Multi Melta, Extra Armor

Landspeeder 70pts
- MM, Heavy Flamer

Attack Bikes (3) 150pts
3 x MM


Plan is to run the Rhinos up with the LR, each bearing 5 Marines (Sgt, Flamer, 3 marines). Keep the MM + 4 marines from each combat squaded tac squad back to deal with any deepstrikers, or tanks that make it onto our side of the board. Drop the Dreadnought or SG in the first round to take down a Leman Russ or Land Raider and harass with my Landspeeder and Bikes, zooming around the board unleashing MM shots.

Every squad has a flamer, Melta, or both in it, to make full use of Vulcan.
