Seeing as I cant post it to the comments... and I totaly agree with Lanparth... I hate having any models squatted... Especialy when some people have spend almost $200 bones to make a 10 man of said unit... :P

1) SNORE.... we are not just tombkings in space... WE ARE THE ORIGINAL BAD GUYS! this is sucha cop out if true... :P

2) Dont buy it, Ctan things as elites... they better be sucky to be there :P

3) Sounds ok, ide prefer a 4+ as u know termi 5+ saves dont usualy do much... 5+ is kinda weak... should at least be equal to FNP...

4) This is total crap, Guass is worse off now??? Same ol auto glance.. no chance to destroy without shooting 80+ shots.. No auto wound ?? Garbage. The monolith loosing the flux auto shoot is realy lame concidering this is its only wep most turns... Its a heavy SUPPORT. Unless I can fire and teleport now this is a major nerf. One less shot on Cannons for ap3 is kinda nice i guess.

5) Duh... auto loose has no place in 40K anymore

6) Absolute garbage. That body is NOT A JUMP PACK. NEcrons use ancient and fantastic tech, manking our coolest unit (imo) into just another assault marine with a gun is stupid and unfluffy. Way to retcon....

7) Totaly backwards... unless flayed ones get MASSIVE buffs. Immortals belong as elites... they pretty much are the definition of elite for necrons. Flayed ones.... yah... NO... We need more than 2 troop choices.

8) Meh, couldnt care less one way or the other. My collection of clasic necron HQs will still be usualble

9) Not liking the transports.. seem like a cop out. Necrons dont use transports... :P Instead of using their brains to find ways to make that work... we get a cut n past cop out.

10) Tesla guns sound cool, but dont realy fit into the feel with that name. Mabye Call them G. Lightning cannon or somthing ...

11) What we needed... But realy did it need a tonne of new stuff? so mods to existing stuff would be nice.

12) This is nothing new

Over all I think this seems very fishy in that 1) its a MASSSIVE change... Not sure if its just too much. It seems almost like I might as well sell my army now for penuts and start from scratch. Transports in necron armies suck. Plain and simple. If they were ment for that somone would have had even an apoc sheet for one. Ive NEVER seen anyone use a necron transport. Thats just lame. We HAVE come up with apoc necron teleporting things cause THAT make sence with the fluff.

I think alot of this is bunk and hope so... Plus I know alot of angry peeps with 180$ pariah units who are gonna be realy pissed when they see this...

PS sry about spelling, im ina rush

These points are all in reply to the last set of rumors ....