Hi all,
After a long 5th ed hiatus, I'll be getting back into the game soon. However, my hiatus has indeed been a long one, and I missed the new Dark Eldar release. I already have a bunch of DE stuff, so I was wondering if you all could give me a rough estimate of how many points of models I already have, and if they would be effective with the new book:
•2 Incubi
•2 Raiders
•1 Ravager
•Lelith Hesperax
•10 Wyches
•5 Jetbikes
•6 Kabalite Trueborn w/ 4 blasters & 2 cannons
•2 DE w/ Dark Lances
•4 DE w/ Blaster/shredder looking things
•4 DE w/ Splinter Cannons
•30 something more DE warriors
