Hi Guys,

I've been lurking round the forums for awhile, and have finally decided to join up and post; I want to start an Eldar army (particularly Alaitoc, although I have based the army on a bit of made up (but plausible) fluff).

It’s at 1200 points, because in a few months, there’s an upcoming tournament, and I'd like to attend with this army.

The basic fluff for this army is that while Alaitoc mainly uses scouts etc. this is the 'wing' which will respond quickly, if and when needed (for example, an artefact of technological use has been found, and needs to be recovered quickly). Therefore, everything in this list is either on a jetbike, or in a transport.

Without further ado...


  • Runes of Warding
  • Fortune
  • Eldar Jetbike


x5 Fire Dragons
Wave Serpent
  • T/L Shuriken Cannon
  • Spirit Stones


x10 Guardians
  • Scatter Laser

Wave Serpent
  • T/L Shuriken Cannon
  • Spirit Stones

x5 Jetbikes

x5 Jetbikes

x4 Jetbikes

Fast Attack

  • Scatter Laser
  • Spirit Stones

  • Scatter Laser
  • Spirit Stones

  • Scatter Laser
  • Spirit Stones

Heavy Support

Night Spinner
  • Holo-Fields

Total = 1193

Okay, so I have 7 points left over, not sure what to spend them on really...

The army is designed to be fast, which is reflected in the choices. Everything should move forward apart from the Night Spinner which fires and slows down enemy infantry. I also thinks this list does what the Eldar does best, dance round the oppent, gaining cover saves and then inflicting pain and destruction (the fire dragons etc.)

Like I said earlier, this is my first list (and post) so be nice

C & C welcome