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    Default Building my Mech

    So I am not by any standards an experienced player, but I have had some success with my own variety of White Scars and Terminators. However that is not the army that I actually own, instead being a creation of Vassal 40K (a great piece of software!).

    My current army consists of

    two captains, both with power weapons (obvious loadout)
    4 Tac squads, including sarges with chainsword, Power fist, Power weapon, and plasma pistol, 4 missile launchers, 3 flamers, two plasma guns and a melta gun.
    a rhino
    a dreadnought with Multi-Melta and DCCW
    a squad of sniper scouts with 4 sniper rifles, two missile launchers, and a heavy bolter
    6 terminators with one heavy flamer
    an attack bike with multi-melta
    a squad of dark angels, that I proxy as sternguard (I play crimson fists)

    I am willing to do some convertion, and to buy some models, but I would like a cohesive plan first.

    So the 1k list that I run is
    captain w/ P wep
    sternguard w/ 4 combi meltas, sarge w/ p fist
    in a rhino

    tac squad with flamer, missile launcher
    tac squad with meltagun, missile launcher p wep

    5 Terminators, Heavy Flamer
    Dreadnought, MM, DCCW, HF

    My next step would be to buy a few more rhinos/razorbacks, and add an attack bike and dakka predator, bringing me up to 1250. At that point, I would need to decide which way my marines will go, and I would need more experience.

    Any Advice?

    *edit, can an admin move this, I placed it the wrong section. Thank you*
    Last edited by 40k Addict; 09-02-2009 at 08:49 AM. Reason: wrong section

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