Sorry Cheese, but the Defiler is heavily (for me) converted to look like a jumping spider, the Havoc launcher is its "eyes". I won't change the ol' suboptimal darlin'. I'm afraid I'm one of those Arty types who'll go for a look rather than utility sometimes. As I said before, this is for friendly games. I've got a lovely face beating CSM list, but its a bit.....Netty and therefore somewhat boring to play all the time. So this is a bit of a departure. Like when I only took the old paint job parts of my Eldar army out fer a war (the rest are repainted and based) Surprised the heck out of me by pulling a draw! Thought I was gone from turn one in that game. Yay Guardians with Starcannons!?! So I'll try all sorts of lists, even my CSM Monsta list With 2 DP's, 3 Dreadies, 7 Spawn and 2x 7 Lesser Daemons etc, which managed to take the honours against Space Marines. Sometimes its worth it just to shake yourself up.