"Neither can it be used against wounds from AP1 and AP2 weapons, power weapons and any other wound against which no armor save can be taken....)

It' been discussed pretty thoroughly but I wanted to post the line that convinced me. Otherwise I would have argued against the Brother Mod and the others on the FNP interpretation.

Quote Originally Posted by emperoreternalxix View Post
Ironically i actually don't find the plague marines broken at all. They are ridiculously good, of course, but i find that an all-plague marine list is easy to beat. Power fists and other high strength/low ap weaponry claim their lives 40-100 pts at a time and it's easy to whittle them to nothingness (especially since i generally find many plague marine players in my area are dense in the head or obsessed with being more nurgly, and so tend not to make sound list-building decisions).

They are very good and maxing them out in a list is annoying, but their damage output will be negligible almost. Fire a few plasma cannons into them and watch them fold.
I concur with Emperor XIX statement. I play a Deathguard army and field mostly Plague Marines. I think you could put me in the "obsessed with being Nurgly" category. (It's fun) I think it's a possibility that those that are having difficulty with Plague Marines might actually be having problems with power gamers.