Quote Originally Posted by Nabterayl View Post
See, the point I was trying to make is that there is no such thing as a "behind enemy line" shock trooper. That's a commando. Using a commando "guns blazing like everyone else" is a misuse of that asset. "Guns blazing" is a storm\\shock trooper. In IG terms, it's the difference between a storm trooper, who is a highly trained, highly equipped soldier whose purpose and expertise is to conduct behind-the-lines actions, and a grenadier, who is an equally highly trained, highly equipped soldier whose purpose and expertise is to go in guns blazing. In general Imperial terms, if you upgrade a storm trooper, you get a space marine. If you upgrade a grenadier, you get a battle sister.
Well yeah and I know but I never meant behind enemy lines or anything. But, even by the wiki article you gave, they "lead the attack". Doesn't hugely define how far ahead But yeah "scouts" or anything with the scout rule kind of has that concept. Stormtroopers (the actual unit) are more "drop troop" kinda now with their deep strike options or infiltrate (which is that they dropped in before hand :x). But that actually kind of makes them more IG commandos now. Dropping in before the battle to do something important or ambush the enemy? Well since that doesn't really "occur" in 40k because obviously theres no pre-battle stuff that goes on so the only way to "Ambush" is to just be there already on the board before the game starts. But...we don't really have anything for that or even in fluff. Dominions, just now by the recent fluff-entry, are more sided to "shock-troop" in that they lead the attack ahead of the main force but not much more than that.

Quote Originally Posted by Nabterayl View Post
Oh, totally agreed with that. What I think celestians should be (and never have been) is a unit that is or can get in your face and mow you down like dominions can, and unlike dominions can follow through and finish you off at the edge of a sarissa.
Indeed! Celestians have always been fairly depressing. in 3rd edition they at least were BS4 (compared to the rest of the sisters were BS3) so there was an obvious reason why celestians were better.

Quote Originally Posted by Nabterayl View Post
I did like the resilience that Spirit of the Martyr gave, I just didn't like the feel of doing it through magical invulnerable power armor. I agree that sisters can, will, and do sacrifice themselves to protect others, and I think that's a hugely important part of their fluff, flavor, even their moral center. But when I think of how sisters defend things, I don't think it would look "defensive" in the way most people think of that. Like any highly trained soldier, I'm sure if you put sisters behind a wall and said "defend these battlements" they would make a good show of it. But I also think their very strong preference would be to defend by attacking.
Well yeah it did come off as magical-armor of protection but the "in game" method is always going to seem much more weird than the fluff reason/versions. Like snipers on necrons being explained that its like emp-rounds or some crap or poison weapons on necrons too. Regardless I always kind of liked the chapter approved "4+ and they didnt get hurt at all/shrugged it off/whatever" which was done after failed saves. It was more like FNP since you couldn't use it on instant death attacks or power weapons. Obviously that served as wasted different function but you should get my point. It doesn't have to be an invunerable because it bounced off their armor but more that somehow...it didn't happen. 40ks rolling system isn't as clear as to what happens sometimes. I hit with a lascannon and you DIDNT die? how...did I clip your toe or something? I guess in that you just have to say you missed anyway. In game effects usually have to marry fluff with playability and just having random troops randomly live at random times from praying they did before the battle...doesn't seem like that would play out to well on the table.

[edit]Random thought: You could say its like fate points in Lotr. Some people just aren't...fated to die yet. Emperor was like "no wai~!"