the 3rd edition codices.

why am i sad? well 3rd ed dexes (DH as example)
written by andy chabers, phill kelly and graham mcniel (yay)
fulff/ stories
BIG armoury
army list
collecting a GK army
how to paint
how to convert
showcase (gamesday winners and staff minis)
daemonic battlefields (aka page of pics of skirmish games)
daemonic alleis for your opponent (and possesion!)
narritives (why do they fight ig?)
2 uniqe missions
special charecters
more stories!

5th ed
matt ward (boo)
matt wards 'fluff'
army lists
pics of the same GK and 1 or 2 pics of battlefields
army list

yes 5th ed is more competitive and 'child friendly' (look at the old SOB dex :P) and 'balanced'
but 3rd ed dexes were FUN


(p.s. this is my opinion, i know a lot of people disliked 3rd ed as it remeved a lot of units)