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  1. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by flekkzo View Post
    The God-Emperor of mankind already has descendants. They are called Primarchs and Space Marines. I think that's good enough really.

    If GW wants to "revive" the emperor it would mean a new set of unification wars within the Imperium, and a healthy dose of overkill to eradicate the parts the emperor wouldn't agree with (which is, a LOT outside the Space Marines). I think that could play well with the current state of our real world, just with the idea of one real hero for mankind. Also it would put even more emphasis on chaos as the enemy, and if we could get three equally large factions (at least in the codex sense) in Imperial, Chaos, and Xenos, I'd be happy.

    Then again I'd settle for anything new happening. At least move into the next millennia properly. It's 40k for 10,000 years, use those!
    They aren't really his descendents. Primarchs = clones with an essence dumped in them yes?

    Marines have the bio material of said primarchs.

    The emperor is an immortal that has been around throughout human history....he's tossed it down with the ladies on more than a few occasions and it isn't stretching it to think that there are many hundreds of his long lost grand child genetic material humping around the galaxy, mixed amongst various levels of society.

    I liked the idea that the Illuminati was rounding them up for a mass sacrifice to the Emperor on his throne to bring him back.

    Honestly...I'd even be down for the reincarnation of the lost/killed Primarchs, struggling to get their power back and deal with disbelievers.

    Could be that maybe chaos won't "ally" with the Imperium, but some of the more "stable" minded surviving renegade Primarchs may see the threat of the Necrons and the vulnerability of both the Imperium and the renegades.....perhaps Magnus knows a secret for bringing back his deceased brothers whom the renegades betrayed thousands of years ago.....*ponders*
    Last edited by DF3CT; 08-11-2011 at 02:44 PM.

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