I had a blast reading through the threads about everyones favorite named characters. It got me thinking, though. Sure, everyone has their favorite character they love to play with or look at. But what about those ones that made you cry when you read their rules for the first time? The ones that disappoint over and over again? OR the one that you just cannot STAND to fight.

For me, the title of worst 40K character goes to Ahriman of the thousand sons. And this is coming from a all-dedicated-thousand-sons army owner!!!

hes 25pts cheaper than ABADDON. So right off the bat, hes INTENSELY expensive. He knows all the psychic powers. At first i laughed, because it said he could use three powers a turn. Awesome! three bolts of change into that dreadnaught?! three doombolts putting out the same amount of fire as a whole thousand sons squad?! But then i cried when it said he couldnt use the same power more than once. so now, all those powers have to be mix-matched against a target that doesnt make sense. Shoot an anti-infantry spell at those marines...followed by an anti-tank spell....followed by....well, nothing else is in range. Bull$hit.

He is not an eternal warrior. a single powerfist hit that sneaks through kicks him back to the warp. hes slow, no options for mounts. hes only T4. He doesnt really fight in close combat as insanely as the other named characters. And my biggest problem with this guy? HES THE MOST POWERFUL CHAOS PSYKER SINCE MAGNUS THE GOD DAM RED AND HE STILL HAS TO PASS PSYCHIC POWER CHECKS, BUT TYPHUS GETS TO USE HIS POWERS WITHOUT CHECKING AND HE STILL GETS A FORCE WEAPON (THAT HE DOESNT NEED TO CHECK TO USE) AND HE GETS TO USE THAT FORCE WEAPON FOR FREE!!!

No thanks, ill just pay 25pts more and get ABADDON. what a freakin travesty.