Huh, I'd always assumed that Craftworld Eldar equipment was pretty representative of pre-fall eldar military (since Craftworlds are wraithbone vehicles, in a sense, and were made in the fall-era), while the Dark Eldar switched to the stuff they have now due to losing psychic capability (therefore Wraithbone) and being kind of insane (who needs a well armoured/shielded Falcon when you can rocket around in a paper-thin raider?) Don't have anything that concrete to back it up, though.

Quote Originally Posted by eldargal View Post
Well, Craftworld Eldar vehicles are made of wraithbone so they wouldn't work too well, and the implication from the DE codex is their vehicles are closer to pre-fall vehicles.
Iwasn't quite going for "they have exactly the same super-heavies", but that they may have super-heavies of similar build/armament made out've the technology used by the Deldar.

Since both factions have access to similar weaponry (Lance, haywire and plasma tech), it seems plausible that there was some form of pre-fall military lying around - it doesn't seem incredibly sensible that the Imperium has standing armies, since they access to pinpoint orbital bombardment and such. Seems to be one of the fun conceits of the setting.