I recently started going through a Latin dictionary for a bit of fun and seeing what 40k-related things I could dig up. These are my findings. Some of them straightforward, some weird, some not really Latin-based. Have a look and tell me if you think I'm on the right lines.

[URL="http://bryssling.blogspot.com/2011/09/high-gothic-for-dummies-1.html"]The Imperium In General[/URL]: Includes Adeptus stuff and that sort of thing.

[URL="http://bryssling.blogspot.com/2011/09/high-gothic-for-dummies-2.html"]The Primarchs[/URL]: A lot of clever guesswork with some good results. Also, Uriel Ventris.

[URL="http://bryssling.blogspot.com/2011/10/high-gothic-for-dummies-3.html"]The Tyranids[/URL]: This is the most recent one, and the one that was most fun to write. Even if you wouldn't know the Tyranids had psuedo-Latin names unless you read at least the 4th edition Codex.

Obviously this isn't the end, so more will come in on an irregular basis. Enjoy!