Hi all! Long time lurker, first time poster, etcetera...

I have a question about the Necron Death Ray, the main weapon of the Doom Scythes.
Without going into too much detail: the Death Ray weapon description says how to draw a line over enemy units. The wording for determining the number of hits on a unit is: "Every unit (friendly or enemy) underneath the line suffers a number of hits equal to the number of models in the unit underneath the line." (Codex: Necrons, page 50. Matthew Ward, 2011. Games Workshop Ltd.)

Ths sentence in ambiguous, since it can mean "the (number of models in the unit) underneath the line" or "the number of models in the (unit underneath the line)". In other words, in respective order: "That unit of Fire Warriors has three models underneath the line, so I score three hits" or "That unit of Fire Warriors has models underneath the line, has twelve models in total, so I score twelve hits". We could argue about word-usage, intention, and the writing qualities of Ward all day long, but logically this sentence is ambiguous/

My question, therefore, is: What do you think?